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KOS programme - 2024 / 2025

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12th January 2024 ....... The Tatton Field Trip.

-7.5⁰ C as a small group of stalwarts met up at the Dog Lodge layby for our January field trip to Tatton Park. The snow that fell during the week hadn't melted and had become compacted and icy, so we set off slowly and carefully; except of course for the "professionals" in the group who were fully equipped with slip-on snow grips and bounded ahead!

Fortunately Middle Walk had been gritted and we were able to navigate this, the steepest part of the walk, safely and make our way to Knutsford Moor.
The Moor pool was completely frozen over and held only two Mute Swans, Lesser Black-backed and Black-headed Gulls, with a Moorhen calling from the reedbed and an overflying Siskin.

Reaching the main Knutsford entrance to the park we turned right and headed towards Tatton Mere. The woodland here proved quite productive and provided, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Bullfinch, Blue Tit and drumming Great Spotted Woodpeckers for the day list.

The mere was almost completely frozen over but, in the distance, we could see a patch of clear water that held a large collection of water birds. Before then though, close to the waters edge, a stand of conifers that was clear of snow was full of small birds taking full advantage of the exposed undergrowth. Here were Redwings, a Jay, Stonechats, Goldcrest and even a couple of Meadow Pipits.. Normally you'd find the Stonechats in the reeds, swooping down for any insects that ventured out into the open but here they were grubbing around at the base of a rotten tree, quite unperturbed by our presence and kids sledging a few yards away on one of the park's few little slopes (see Geoff's picture).

Moving on to the remaining patch of unfrozen water, we recorded a nice selection of wildfowl. Canada Geese were the most numerous species, estimates varied between 200 and 1,000 but, let's say, there were a lot! Also present, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Goldeneye, Coot, Pochard, Great Crested and Little Grebes. a flock of noisy Greylag Geese appeared out of the mist that came and went all morning, bringing with it a sudden drop of temperature so that, when it lifted and the sun broke through, it actually felt quite warm!

The plan now was to walk to the Allen Hide for elevenses but when we arrived there we found that it was padlocked (incidentally, the Knutsford Drive [from the Knutsford entrance up to the Mansion] is never gritted avoiding any chance of later run-off into the mere, a SSSI). Consequently there was no road traffic on that route all morning.
While we were deciding on a course of action Karina found us a small flock of finches feeing on seed heads overhanging the outlet stream from Melchett Mere; Siskins and Redpolls. Fantastic views and a photographers dream, as you can see by Geoff's superb image!

We decided to make our way back along the east side of Tatton Mere, then through Dog Wood to the cars. Highlights of part#2 of the trip included a trim little Grey Wagtail exploring the reeds on a small, frozen pond, the morning's only raptor - a Buzzard and a singing Coal Tit in Dog Wood.

We'd been out for about three hours and covered 6.04Km; the day list reached 43 species and it had become warmer, a sizzling -2⁰ C as we said our goodbyes!

More Siskins are now arriving in our gardens; Tony Ellis had nine in his Knutsford garden last Thursday (9/1), Wendy Stratford a single bird the following day on Smith Lane in Mobberley and, on the same day, Jayne Davies had the first of the season in her garden, only about 100 yards from our house in Mobberley but I've yet any on our feeder.

Geoff and Sheila had an interesting morning a week ago (4/1) on their daily walks ........." We go to Rostherne probably 3 times each week but this morning we timed it superbly. John Adshead brought up to the Obs an adult male Kingfisher he'd caught in Doll’s Meadow. What a beautiful bird to see up close. Other birds seen include 2 Goosander, female GSW, female Bullfinch, 88 Canada Geese, plus usual wildfowl. On sprout fields up to 40 Redwings, 15 Fieldfares, 5+ Song Thrushes and 1+ Mistle Thrush. Walking back the shooters in the field next to Ciceley Mill had just finished – and were walking back to their vehicles which were taking up all the footpath. Also Little Mere: 2 Egyptian Geese."...........

This coming Saturday (18/1) Knutsford Town Council are again organising their Re-fresh Knutsford event. As last time the KOS will have a stand, this time we've been promoted and will be in the main St. John's Church. Will we get any new members? We didn't last time but if we don't attend we certainly won't!!.

More important dates for your diary from KOS Secretary Karina - it's going to be a busy month .........."KOS January 2025 updates

This Saturday 11th January is our trip to Tatton. 9:15 am Tony Usher is our leader. Meet in the Dog Lodge layby, Mobberley Road. Weather forecast for 9:15am looks crisp and grey. Kindly let Tony know if you intend to come along. Thank you.

Evening meeting:
Jan 24th Friday Jubilee Hall 8pm ‘Where Eagles Fly - what satellite tracking has shown us’ by Dr Alan Fielding.
We now have enormous amounts of data from satellite tracking devices fitted to Golden Eagles in Scotland. The information from these tags is providing many new insights into Golden Eagle ecology. For example, when do they disperse, where do they go, when and where do they settle? What does information from the birds tagged for the South of Scotland Golden Eagle project tell us about the potential for a revival of Golden Eagles in England?
Come along for a social catch up before 8pm. We look forward to seeing you there.

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch local events

Saturday January 25th 11:00-12:00 am Friends of the Moor invite KOS members to help with the annual event. Turn up on the Moor by the pavilion and you can join the fun. Contact Jan FOTM for more details if needed.

Sunday January 26th 11:00-12:00 am Friends of The Heath will be hosting their event and value KOS members input. Turn up on the Large Heath at the starting point by the notice board on the west side by Northwich Road. Contact Kevin FOTH for more details if needed.

We are putting together next year’s programme of events. All ideas and feedback much appreciated. "

Now then a chance to do some proper ornithology and do your bit for conservation!!

........" CAWOS is undertaking a new species survey in 2025 of Marsh-tit and Willow-tit. The survey being led by Hugh Pulsford and Professor David Norman.

Comparison of the 2004-2006 ATLAS* data with current information suggests a significant decline for both species across Cheshire and Wirral. RSPB North West in conjunction with Lancashire Wildlife Trust and Greater Manchester Carbon landscape projects are also conducting similar surveys to the north of us in 2025. Additionally, there are other conservation groups looking at habitat management. Therefore, in working collaboratively we hope to improve the future prospects for these declining species.

For practical and technical reasons it’s not possible to send all the associated information in this one message to all CAWOS members. Therefore we ask if you could please read the information below carefully and then, if you think you might be able to get involved, email for the full information pack, giving details of the area you might be able to cover.

Survey requirements in summary

For Willow-tit two sessions, up to 14 days apart in calm weather from Mid-February to early March and mid-March to early April.
For Marsh-tit two sessions, up to 14 days apart in calm weather from Mid-March to early April and mid-April to early May.
Willow-tits prefer waterlogged (Carr) broad leaved woodland with birch and scrub available (although during the ATLAS, some were located in mixed woodland). Willow Tits tend to feed almost exclusively in the scrub layer, and is one of only a few species that excavates their own nest hole.
Marsh-tits are a bird of mature woodland, especially of Oak or Beech, a habitat preference very different from that of Willow-tit. A scrub layer of mixed vegetation of 2-4 m is important, and they prefer quite extensive woodland stands of trees.
A simple playback technique early in the breeding season can identify birds on territory. Therefore, surveyors will need a playback method via mobile phone or an mp3 player. The playback recordings will be provided. Recording methods will be paper-based in the field (form provided), plus an a later web upload.
The field-based methodology involves walking across an areas of suitable habitat and stopping every 200m or so and play the call/song for 2 minutes. You then wait up to 5 minutes for any response, the type of which you can record on the form, along with any habitat details and a precise grid reference.
Location data from the Atlas for both species will be provided, showing the layout of km squares (tetrads). Whilst it is essential to try and have any previous confirmed/probable or possible breeding tetrads covered, we are very keen for any new suitable habitat areas to be covered, right across the Cheshire and Wirral. Please note that a negative result is very valuable. So if you have a local patch or local area nearby, then please have a go and record presence or absence.
For Willow Tit, The Woolston Eyes reserves and beds are being allocated to WECG members. Similarly, Rostherne Mere NNR and Danes Moss CWT, and the area north of Danes Moss are already allocated to surveyors.
If you are not sure if your local area is suitable, or if you have any other queries please do not hesitate to ask. Cheshire and Wirral is an extremely large area so we need lots of volunteers please! If you have any local connections via clubs/societies/community groups who you think might be able to get involved please do forward this message.

Kind regards
Carolyn (sent on behalf of Hugh Pulsford) "

Last but certainly not least. Please enter the 2025 KOS Sand Martin Competition. It's open to anyone and will take only a couple of minutes of your valuable time.

Species recorded on our trip around Tatton Park on Saturday 11th January 2024.
Jackdaw, House Sparrow, Magpie, Starling, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Wren, Mute Swan, Moorhen, Siskin, Pied Wagtail, Dunnock, Robin, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Bullfinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit, Goldfinch, Canada Goose, Greylag Goose, Redwing, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Goldcrest, Jay, Meadow Pipit, Stonechat, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Goldeneye, Coot, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Pochard, Redpoll, Carrion Crow, Grey Wagtail, Buzzard. [ ✓ 43]

1st January 2025........... Out and about over Christmas

KOS members were out and about over the Christmas period, even on Christmas day!

Geoff and Sheila Blamire drove out to the Plumley area.........." As we drove up Moss Lane towards the Inovyn offices c24 Redwings and c6 Fieldfare passed overheard, then as we parked c200 Starlings were seen and Curlews heard (never did see them!). Heading towards Cape of Good Hope Farm we could hear the distinctive call of Wigeons – took me a few minutes to find them on a pond which is difficult to see from the track. We checked in the Barn Owl box (seen the Barn Owl every time since the end of November) – but not this time.
We had 3 great sightings of Buzzards. First along the railway – one sat in a tree with its wings drooping down – very unusual. Then one perched on top of a pole – it didn’t move as we drove underneath it. Finally, the best, was one eating a pigeon along Trouthall Lane, Plumley – just a couple of feet from the car.
We finished at Keepers Cottage. There was a man looking through a scope – he was looking at a Yellowhammer. Haven’t seen Yellowhammer since end of September. We then checked the field with horses along Cheadle Lane – the Little Egret was still there.
So a great morning – then back for Christmas lunch…… "

Derek Pike and Jean Brooks turned back the clock and took a stroll along nearby Sudlow Lane ................ "We decided to have a Christmas day walk, like we did in the old days. We walked down Sudlow Lane, the first notable sighting was a Raven on top of a pylon making a racket, great views looking through bins, with its beak opening and shutting, next notable sighting some fifty yards in front, on the other side of M6, was a Buzzard sat in a tree scouting for prey in the sunshine. We could hear Nuthatches in two or three places, and had a quick view of a GS Woodpecker.
The very first sighting, not counting the dozen or so House Sparrows in the garden along with a Robin, was a House Sparrow, then a Carrion Crow followed by - Wood Pigeon,Black-headed Gull, Magpie, Blackbird, Great Tit, Blue Tit and Jackdaws, Jean also spotted a pair of Egyptian Geese, also Jay, Starling, Pied Wagtail and that was about it.
There was a paucity of small birds, where were all the Goldfinches for example and not one Fieldfare or Redwing.
If I kept records, which I don't, my gut feeling was that years ago we would have seen many more more species and more birds in general; but not a Raven or Egyptian Goose of course!
But a lovely day weatherwise and a good stroll."

In Knutsford KOS Secretary, Karina Stanley, reports (also on Christmas day) a Yellowhammer behind Bexton Hall, a flock of c.70 Winter thrushes (more Fieldfares than Redwings) and a Grey Wagtail. She also has a male Blackcap in the garden, feeding on apples and, perhaps not quite so welcome, the first Ring-necked Parakeet on her garden feeders!

I mentioned in the last update (24/12/24) that Mistle Thrushes were in song at more than one location. They've now been joined by Song Thrushes, as Geoff and Sheila noted last Saturday (28/12) ..........." Little Mere: female Goldeneye, 3m Shovelers, plus usual Tufted Ducks, Mallards, Cormorant, Coots, etc.
Ciceley Mill Pool: 3m 2f Wigeons, pair of Mute Swan, 6 Tufted Ducks, Mallards, Grey Heron, Coots, etc.
Rostherne village: 3 Ring-necked Parakeets eating tree buds (originally 2 of them eyeing up Mrs Gates feeders!).
Sprout Fields, Rostherne: 80+ winter thrushes (more Redwings than Fieldfares), c30 Meadow Pipit (the furthest field), 2 singing Song Thrushes on the edge of the fields – competing against each other.
Rostherne Obs: 2 female Bullfinches eating the old blackberries, usual Nuthatches, wildfowl (limited visibility), etc…. "

A good turnout on Monday (30/12) for what's become our annual Christmas walk, taking in Neumann's Flash and Budworth Mere. 16 members assembled in the Witton Mill Bridge car park where the trip leader Sheila outlined the route that we'd be following. A couple of Redwings flew overhead and a lovely Grey Wagtail landed amongst the parked cars as we set off towards Butterfinch Bridge. The expected species were added to the day list as we made our way over to Budworth Mere via Big Wood - Jay, Long-tailed Tit, Robin, Nuthatch, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Goldfinch, Chaffinch and Wren.

A decent collection of wildfowl were on view as we reached the mere where the path slopes down to the waters edge. Stars of the show were once again the Goosanders, 21 of them in total, in pristine winter attire. What beautiful birds!
Other species seen included Canada Goose, Mallard, Great Crested Grebe, Little Grebe, Teal, Mute Swan and Tufted Duck. Across the far side of the mere Frank Dearden picked out a handful of Curlew, probing the mud along the shoreline.

Elevenses were enjoyed when we reached the viewing screen, overlooking the T. A. Coward memorial reedbed. The feeders were very busy but we only had brief views of one of the resident Kingfishers. Despite a long session a little further on, there was no sign of the Hawfinches that have been frequenting the tall trees to the rear of the rangers' buildings. A local birder I talked to had been watching for some hours but had seen only one bird as it flew overhead.
On then down Marbury Lane as far as Butterfinch Bridge where we took a left turn and headed toward Neumann's Flash; a Cetti's Warbler sang briefly as we approached the reedbeds and out on the water another nice selection of water birds. Here Wigeon predominated with about 60 birds present but also smaller numbers of Shoveler and Shelduck, two Great White Egrets showed well, albeit at a considerable distance across the far side of the flash. The list now stood at 46 species for the morning but this was increased to 50 by a contribution from Bob Groom, who'd followed a different route to the rest of the party, including Stock Dove. I was glad about that as it's given me a chance to feature the superb image, taken at Burton Mere by Simon, of this beautiful but often overlooked species!!

2025 has begun with some challenging weather conditions. Overnight my weather station recorded 69.9mm (2.75") of rain and social media posts are awash (literally!) with pictures of the resultant floods. Sudlow lane, where Derek and Jean walked on Christmas day, is impassible, images from Smith Lane in Mobberley show a floating car under the railway bridge and in Tatton water is pouring off the adjacent fields into the Mere. I guess the same is happening at Rostherne. The sky is clearing at the moment and temperatures will drop below freezing tonight, so it should provide interesting driving and walking conditions in the morning!

As we visited Budworth Mere / Neumann's Flash on Monday it's been decided to move January's field trip there to February and swap February's Tatton walk to January (Saturday 11th). I will be leading this outing, so let me know if you intend to come along.

We've not heard anything yet from the Friends of the Moor or Friends of the Heath about the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch on January 25/26 this year (we're normally invited to help out). Enquiries are ongoing.

We also volunteered to take up a table at this year's "Refresh Knutsford" event but again we've not heard anything.

Looking forward to Spring, we are now inviting entries to the 2025 Sand Martin Competition where you're asked to use your skill and knowledge to predict (guess!!) when the first Sand martin will appear over Tatton or Melchett Mere. It's not you who has to find it, there will be plenty of people looking and it's open to anyone not just KOS members. There will be a small prize for the winner. Only one entry per person is allowed and anyone found cheating will again be suspended upside down over a picture of a well-known personality. This year, of course, it will be Donald Trump. So get your entry in NOW by clicking here and filling out the form - a 2' job!

So that's it, you're up-to-date, so it only remains for me to wish a happy and healthy New Year to all KOS members and friends and anyone else who happens upon this little bit of cyberspace!

Species recorded on the Christmas walk Budworth Mere - Monday 30th December 2024
Redwing, Dunnock, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Grey Wagtail, Moorhen, Jay, Robin, Nuthatch, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Goldcrest, Chaffinch, Wren, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Canada Goose, Goosander, Cormorant, Mallard, Great Crested Grebe, Bullfinch, Woodpigeon, Pied Wagtail, Water Rail, Starling, Stock Dove, Grey Heron, Curlew, Magpie, Teal, Little Grebe, Mute Swan, Tufted Duck, Coot, Kingfisher, Buzzard, Reed Bunting, Carrion Crow, Lapwing, Jackdaw, Cetti's Warbler, Wigeon, Goldfinch, Great White Egret, Shoveler, Shelduck, Sparrowhawk [ ✓ 50]

24th December 2024........ The winter solstice.

It's always nice to get the shortest day behind us and we're able to look forward to lighter mornings and evenings, although we'll have to wait until the 30th December before the latest sunrise this year. Cheshire's earliest Sand Martin record is the 15th of February, so not long to wait now and I'll have to rescue the Sand Martin competition from cyberspace and try and remember how it all works!

Walking down the garden the following morning to fill the feeders I was delighted to hear the full song of our resident Dunnock, an uplifting sound like that of a bubbling mountain stream, a sure sign that Spring is just around the corner!

More signs from Knutsford today (24/12) where KOS Secretary, Karina had a Mistle Thrush in song, as did Geoff and Sheila at Rostherne on one of their daily walks.
On his way to work in Tatton Park, early this morning, Darren Morris heard a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming as he cycled through Dog Wood. Darren also tells me that he's had both Little and Great White Egrets in the park recently. On the 21st he recorded two Great Whites, neither of which bore leg rings, so it looks as if they are additions to the long staying bird carrying a red ring, that was previously reported.

Last Friday (20/12) Geoff and Sheila were in the Rostherne observatory and watched a fox vole hunting, just in front of the obs. Geoff managed to get some excellent shots, one of which you can see on the left. Later in the day Bob Groom visited the reserve and, although he didn't catch up with Reynard he didn't do badly ........"G&S had been watching a handsome fox catch prey just before I arrived. My highlight was a Peregrine that flew low across the mere from Mere Covert to Harper's Bank. C.50 Lapwings, frequent Buzzard sightings, Jay, good selection of wildfowl including a Goldeneye.."...........

Yesterday (23/12) we enjoyed a morning visit to the observatory; walking over the turnip fields, in the distance, a flock of c.30 Pink-footed Geese headed west and the same number of finches were commuting between the field and the peripheral hawthorn hedge. Also there about 25 Redwings and a handful of Fieldfares. Apparently the latter are well down in number this winter.
Wildfowl were also down in number but we did have 42 Wigeon. 2 Goldeneye, 3 Goosanders 3 and 21 Shoveler. In front of the obs. Goldcrest and Treecreeper.

Geoff and Sheila seem to be doing well with winter thrushes and over-wintering Curlew ..........." Sunday 22nd Dec Plumley and Holford area: must have had every season this morning – very windy, sun, rain, hail and a rainbow! About 12 Curlews (just love their haunting calls), 40 Redwings, Kestrel hovering only 8+ feet high in strong winds (in the drive to Plumley), and finally a Little Egret with horses in a field along Cheadle Lane (amazing – saw one there 1st Jan to 5th Feb 2023).

Monday 23rd Dec Millington area: 20+ Redwings, another site 30+ Redwings, 12 Fieldfares and 24 Starlings and 1 or 2 Buzzards. Little Mere: Great Crested Grebe, 3 Shovelers, Grey Heron, Tufties, etc and a Grey Wagtail.

Our walk this morning was over 12km – by the time we got back my fitbit registered 21,000 steps – the next time I looked the battery was dead – so I 'lost' all those steps where the weeks total is concerned (I aim for 135,000 - 140,000 steps per week). "

Nice to hear from Simon Smith and Lyn Graves from Warrington. Simon has been trying for the Marbury Hawfinches for some time now, perhaps he'll have more luck next Monday on our Christmas walk to Budworth Mere ..........."We went to Marbury last week, but still haven’t caught up with the Hawfinches yet. There appear to be up to 5 now, at times. However, nice view of a juvenile Marsh Harrier over the reedbed there and, of course, Redwings in the usual place.
Also, was at Burton Mere Wetland on Sunday and had a good look at a small flock of Lesser Redpoll.
Pictures attached. "
Thanks Simon. You can see the images at the start of this update.

17th December 2024 ............ The Christmas Party.

24 members and friends enjoyed our KOS 50th anniversary Christmas party last Friday evening (13/12). Secretary Karina and her husband David had again been busy decorating the Jubilee Hall and setting out the tables earlier in the afternoon prior to our arrival.
As tradition demands, I provided the baked potatoes and gradually more people arrived with their offerings - all the usual favourites - Goostrey's pork pies, specially flown in from Mobberley, sausages, cooked meats etc. and a table full of puddings, ready to challenge the self-discipline of those who should really be watching their sugar intake!

My picture quiz proved to be a little more challenging this year and the tie-breaker wasn't needed. Sheila Blamire proved to be the eventual winner with a score of 43 out of 50.

The evening was rounded off in fine style by Dave Butterworth who took on the unenviable task of auctioning off unsold items from the bring and buy table. Every little helps!

This annual party is our main fund raising event of the year and provides much needed cash that help to pay for hire of the hall and lecturers' fees. Hon. Treasurer, Frank Dearden had done the necessary calculations and revealed that this year we raised a record amount for the kitty!

"Thank you to all involved for the staging of a very successful and enjoyable evening.

On the financial front it was the best party ever. Gross takings were £468 beating the previous best of £442 in 2019/20. Within this total a sum of £130 was raised for Lower Moss Wood Nature Reserve.

The breakdown of takings was as follows:

Admission £223.00
Raffle £105.00
Bring and buy / Butterworth auction £89.20
Donations £51.00

Thanks again and Merry Christmas!


Thanks Frank and all who contributed to such as successful evening.

Yesterday (16/12) Jude Halman and I spent a couple of hours in the observatory at Rostherne Mere - "A mild morning with the temperature of 10°C. More wildfowl present than last week - 56 Shoveler, 24 Mallard, 29 Canada Geese, 32 Teal, 10 Mandarin (all male), 72 Wigeon, 4 Egyptian Geese, 1 Goldeneye and 13 Goosanders.

1 Buzzard, 2 Grey Herons, Cetti's Warbler in song, male Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Treecreeper.

A flock of c.35 Meadow Pipits in the "sprout field" on the way back to the car park. (the sheep are actually feeding on turnips so it should be the "turnip field" !)"

The Goosanders were very active, perhaps there's a hint of Spring in the air as we're now only four days away from the shortest day of the year!

In the early days of the KOS we used to have field trips down to the Shropshire meres in the hope of catching up with their wintering Goosanders but now it's become unusual not to see the species when visiting Rostherne on any day in December. In fact, a week ago on the 12th December Mike Duckham counted no less than 35 Goosanders. A record count and the most since 32 in January 2011 during a spell of unusually cold weather.

Two days later the same observer had a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker on one of the alder trees in front of the observatory; so it looks as though the Lesserpeckers are hanging on in our area!

On Sunday (15/12) Bob Groom and Pete Kelly did their December WeBS count at Tabley Mere and were delighted to find both Little and Great White Egrets in attendance. It's an ideal location for both species to breed; at one tome Tabley hosted Britain's largest heronry.........."A bit treacherous underfoot with the wet leaves and branches broken off by the gales but at least it stayed fine. One Great White Egret and at least three Little Egrets the highlights. Couple of Herons, 5 Cormorants. 8 Great Crested Grebes, 4 Goldeneyes, Lots of Mallards but very few Coot. A welcome 16 Pochard. Long-Tailed Tits in the wood."..........

Needless to say, the Blamires, Geoff and Sheila have been out and about on their daily walks. This from the 7th December .........."Seen many winter thrushes around Millington over the last few days:
Peacock Lane: 41 Redwings, 8 Fieldfares, 5 Blackbirds, 1 Mistle Thrush and Boothbank Lane: 60 Fieldfares, 20 Redwings. Some of the Fieldfares have superb plumage.
Seen the regular Kestrel along Peacock Lane, Raven along Boothbank Lane, but the male Goosander seems to have disappeared from Little Mere – been there from Sat 30th Nov to 6th Dec. "

More recently, yesterday (16/12),........." We walked to Knutsford this morning because Geoff had a dental appointment – 11.8km!
Yesterday morning we went to Plumley/Holford but number of birds was down: 200+ Starlings, 3 Wigeon, 3 Redwings, Barn Owl in the BO box and 2 Curlews only – we visited all sites we’ve seen Curlews over the last 4 years but nothing there…. 1st January 2023 we had 207 Curlews from 2 sites – so hope the numbers increase next month! "

Colin Butler has produced an excellent report of his recent trip to Gambia. Non-stop birding from start to finish including plenty of humorous anecdotes (the proof and sensitivity reader was laughing out loud as she read Colin's report)!!! You can read it here.

Tatton ranger Darren Morris has kindly sent me a copy of the Winter addition of the Tatton Winter Wildlife Newsletter. You can read it here.

Thanks Colin and Darren.

4th December 2024 ......... Marshside and Martin Mere.
Heavy rain on Sunday (1/12) as we left Knutsford en route to Southport to visit RSPB Marshside and the WWT's Martin Mere. Leaving the M6 at junction 27 our driver, Hon. Treasurer and trip leader Frank Dearden, pointed the trusty Saab west towards the blue skies that we could see in the distance over our destination.
So it was wall-to-wall sunshine as we reached Marshside but this brought its own problems as, at this time of the year, the sun is low in the sky and, as the hides at Marshside look east, viewing was difficult with many of the wildfowl only seen in silhouette. (see Geoff's Little Grebe image). Slightly overcast would have been preferable but you can't have it both ways and it was better than the rain we'd driven through on the way!
Frank gave us a quick briefing (he'd done a reccè the previous weekend) before we set off towards the Sandgrounders' hide.
The day list began with the expected species - Skylarks, Woodpigeons, Meadow Pipits overhead and flocks of Pink-footed Geese in the distance. From the hide - Mallard, Moorhen, Cormorant, Curlew, Gadwall, Wigeon, Teal, Canada Goose, Shoveler and Shelduck.

Moving on to Nel's hide, via the junction viewing screen, Colin and Don were lucky enough to catch a quick view of a Peregrine as it landed briefly on a fence post overlooking the estuary. Good numbers of list-filling passerines popped in and out of view in the thick roadside hedges as we walked down to Nel's - Reed Bunting, Greenfinch and Goldfinch; Bob Groom was also able to add Kestrel and Sparrowhawk to the day's tally.
There were some spectacular flocks of birds on view from the hide - Redshanks, Lapwings, Black-tailed Godwits and, especially, Golden Plovers in their hundreds. From time to time something would spook them and they'd take to the air en masse, flashing gold and white against the Winter sun.
Masses of Gulls bathed in the freshwater pools; a confusion of plumages of course but adult Herring, Black-headed, Lesser and Greater Black-backed were readily identifiable.

We spent about two hours at Marshside, longer than usual as it's normally so cold there out in the open, but it was a mild day, peaking at 14⁰C during the afternoon. Eventually Frank decided that it was time to move on to Martin Mere; we had a bit of luck on the way when we spotted a Cattle Egret in a field full of sheep, we'd had them at Martin Mere last year at this time but, on this occasion, it was the day's only sighting.
Admission to Martin Mere is undoubtedly expensive (free for members of the WWT, otherwise £16.50 for adults and £14.81 for concessions). I thought it was worth the expense, huge numbers of a whole range of species, all in one place. Close-up viewing, ideal for the less experienced and for the photographers amongst us. I ended up with 36 images from various sources all of which would have looked good on this website!
Anyway we all filed in and then, as is often the case with the KOS, members dispersed to their favourite part of the reserve - the Ron Barker hide, the Discovery hide (for butties) or, in my case, the restaurant for a coffee.
Walking down to the Ron Barker hide more species for the list - people recorded Blackbird, Blue, Great and Long-tailed Tits, Chaffinch, Goldcrest, and Siskin. A lone Marsh Harrier floated over the phragmites reedbeds and a huddle of photographers in one corner of the hide were busy snapping an obliging Kingfisher perched nicely on an overhanging branch.
This year I walked through the pens where the captive birds are housed and formed the impression that things had improved with a bigger range of wildfowl on view. Returning towards the Discovery hide in time for the afternoon 3pm feed I had a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a small group of Snipe gathered together a few yards in front of one of the viewing screens (see Simon's excellent image at the start of this update)
It was the usual chaos when one of the staff appeared at 3pm, scattering feed in all directions from her trolley. There doesn't seem to be any pecking order, it's everyone for themselves - swans, ducks and a few Black-tailed Godwits and Ruffs. One of the Ruffs was obviously an adult male in it's Winter plumage, it'll be a fine sight in a few months time!

We'd had a good day with 68 different species recorded this year, five more than in 2023 but it was time for home and we left at about 4pm with enough time to watch the end of the Liverpool v Man. City match that kicked off as we left the reserve. That was the plan but it wasn't to be! As we motored up Parbold Hill the Saab started to struggle with the steep incline and, with the M6 to come, Frank brought the ailing vehicle to a standstill in the driveway of a large house just before the junction 27 island. A call was then made to the RAC and, after wading through (and ignoring) various options pointing us in the direction of online facilities, Frank managed to speak to a human being who would arrange for the dispatch of a patrol vehicle. After half an hour or so our knight in shining armour appeared, although rather than a knight it was a young lady, dressed not in armour, but a head to toe orange hi-viz overall!
A laptop was connected to the car's data port and the computer and the engine compared notes before reaching some sort of agreement as to possible reasons for the power loss. The car was then jacked up and the lady crawled underneath, ponytail lying in the road, eventually re-appearing with a rusted jubilee clip from a hose on the turbo that had snapped off and caused the problem. A replacement was found in the van and quickly fitted to the engine; the old one was retained by Frank to be used in a future discussion with his garage!
After following us for a short distance to make sure the problem had been solved our saviour drove off into the night, but not before we'd proffered our sincere thanks and asked her name, it was Lucy - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - a little gem!

We hadn't expected to see any Whooper Swans again for some time but a routine morning the following day (2/12) was enlivened by the appearance of 15 Whoopers at Rostherne Mere. We didn't see their arrival, so they must have flown in from the east and landed close to the Bittern hide. They were still there when we left at noon but we never had a decent view of them as they remained partially obscured behind the mereside trees at the east side of the mere. They all appeared to be adults.

The Rostherne Bearded Reedlings are still present on the reserve and one of the ringed birds has been re-trapped. In order to encourage them to remain some grit trays have been made and positioned in the reedbeds. Geoff and Sheila Blamire were there last Thursday (28/11) as the trays were being moved into position.........""When we arrived Steve (Ormerod), Sieff, Bill and Phil were busy finishing the grit trays. I asked whether at least one could be positioned so can be seen from the obs. They asked us to wave from the obs. so they could position them correctly! Unfortunately we left before we could fulfill our task so I asked Tim to do that important job! Apparently 2 trays can be clearly seen from the obs. John and Malcolm were busy ringing when we arrived and they had already re-caught (controlled) the female Bearded Reedling so they are still around. ............

The following morning G&S had a pleasant surprise on their daily amble .........."We did a 10.8km walk around Plumley/Holford this morning – postponed from yesterday because of the fog. Holford: 18+ Curlews (Langford Farm), 350+ Starlings, but the best was a Barn Owl in a Barn Owl box! Never seen Barn Owl there before, just Stock Doves and one time a Little Owl. Also male Great Spotted Woodpecker on feeders in Plumley village.".............

Don't forget that a week on Friday (13th December) it's the famous KOS Christmas party. Secretary Karina has sent an appropriate email out to all members.

Species recorded on a KOS trip to Marshside and Martin Mere on 1st December 2024.
Skylark, Woodpigeon, Carrion Crow, Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit, Little Egret, Pink-footed Goose, Mallard, Moorhen, Cormorant, Curlew, Gadwall, Wigeon, Teal, Canada Goose, Lapwing, Shelduck, Shoveler, Wren, Coot, Stonechat, Greenfinch, Peregrine, Pintail, Nuthatch, Redshank, Golden Plover, Little Grebe, Black-tailed Godwit, Starling, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Kingfisher, Reed Bunting, Goldfinch, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Cattle Egret, Magpie, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Jackdaw, Whooper Swan, Greylag Goose, Robin, Marsh Harrier, Siskin, Long-tailed Tit, Chaffinch, Goldcrest, Dunnock, great Spotted Woodpecker, Pheasant, Snipe, Pochard, Grey Wagtail, Snow Goose, Ruff, House Sparrow, Buzzard, Great White Egret, Rook, Grey Heron, Mute Swan, Tufted Duck......... [ ✓ 68]

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