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16th October 2024 ....... More on the Great White Egret.

After a bit of detective work Tatton ranger, Darren Morris has discovered the origin of the Great White Egret that has graced the park for the last week or so........"Hi Darren Thank you very much for this – the first report we have had from this bird. It looks like AFU, a male ringed in the nest on 29.4.24 at RSPB Ham Wall. It was one of a brood of 3, one of which failed to fledge, and the other was a female which has been reported from Cassington Lakes in Oxfordshire.
There's more info about the ringing project on my website here - "

Well done Darren! It just goes to show how valuable the bird ringing process can be. There's an interesting article on the RSPB's website about the advances in technology that take ornithologists one step beyond the relatively simple attachment of rings to a bird's legs. The article explains, in simple terms, the use of satellite tags, GPS tags and light level geolocators - You can read it here.

It took me a number of attempts before I actually saw the Egret but, by way of compensation, I did bump into the Stonechat family last Thursday (10/10); the two adults and three young birds that nested in the park earlier this year.
The Egret favours the outlet stream from Tatton Mere but it's been very busy this week with the deer rutting season in full swing and, as usual, this is attracting the photographers in their autumnal, full camouflage attire and long lenses (also camouflaged!). I moved up towards the old bathing area and, luckily, the bird appeared and did a slow flypast before settling further along in the reedbed. For such a big bird it manages to conceal itself pretty well and can be easily overlooked.

Ring-necked Parakeets are becoming increasingly common in the Knutsford area and seem to divide opinions - the Marmite effect, you either love 'em of hate 'em! They are said to take over woodpecker nests, causing a decline in woodpecker populations, although I would back a woodpecker any day against a parakeet! Anyway it's being taken seriously and Darren has been asked to help out with a study run by the University of Salford ......."A flock of 20 ring-necked parakeets also in the area. The parakeets are literally all over the park now. I was speaking with a ranger from Dunham who have now lost their breeding green woodpeckers because of them using them from nesting sites. I'm getting involved with Salford University with a view to a study based on the RNP arrival and the effects on green woodpeckers."............

Ken Davies and I spent a couple of hours at Rostherne on Monday (14/10); it was a beautiful morning, not a breath of wind and the surface of the mere was like a sheet of glass. We'd only just settled down when a flock of Pink-footed Geese appeared, flying in a south-easterly direction, we guestimated 60 to 70. We weren't far out as examination of the photo I took later revealed 67 birds! These were the first I've seen this autumn.

Over in Northwich, Barrie Armitt continues with his Trektellen visible migration observations and on Tuesday (15/10) he counted 211 Redwings and 6 late House Martins.

Bob Groom's excellent long-term commitment to the BTO's Wetland Bird Survey has received official recognition. This is from the WeBS local organiser news ..........."WeBS LOCAL ORGANISER NEWS
Additionally, a special mention is needed for Bob Groom, for whom June 2024 marked 40 years of doing WeBS counts at Tabley Mere, Cheshire! Hearing about these achievements is truly inspiring and makes us feel lucky to have dedicated and passionate counters supporting WeBS!

A very special thanks is also needed for Phil Hampson who has recently retired as the Local Organiser for not one, not two, not three but four WeBS regions, plus as the Northern England representative on the Local Organiser Advisory Committee! Phil has always been an expert and dependable LO and our thanks and best wishes go out to him for the future. "

Well done Bob and also Phil, a long-time friend of the KOS!

In case I don't do another update before then - our next indoor meeting will take place a week on Friday (25th. October) when Mike Roberts will be presenting his talk - "The Birds of Extremadura "

Mike's talk will begin at 8:00pm but the Jubilee Hall will be open from about 7:15pm, allowing time for members and visitors to do some catching up and socialising.
Non-members will be made most welcome - Jubilee Hall, Stanley Road, Knutsford, WA16 0GP

Admission is £3 for members and £6 for non-members. Admission and membership is FREE for under 18s!!

Breaking news - 4 Yellow-browed Warblers trapped and ringed at Rostherne Mere this morning (17th October)!!

8th October 2024 ... North Wales and the first Winter thrushes.

On Monday 30th September my weather station recorded 41mm of rain. The historic average precipitation for the whole of September in Cheshire East is 49.4mm; so we had almost a months rain in just 24 hours. Fortunately there then followed five drier, days allowing me to get the mower out although most of the green sward consisted of moss!

This pleasant weather lasted until Sunday (6/10), so conditions were ideal on Saturday (5/10) for our October trip to North Wales.
Blue skies with wispy clouds and a temperature of 15⁰ C as we met up at Llanfairfechan before the walk along the coastal path to the Morfa Madryn reserve. Trip leader, Frank Dearden, issued full instructions and off we went, although there was plenty to see from our meeting point with flocks of Oystercatchers passing noisily low over the sea where sharp eyes picked out a Red-throated Diver, Great Crested Grebe, a single Goosander and two Common Scoters.
The tide had started to come in, although it would be 12:42pm before it peaked, and there were large areas of sand and stone uncovered. Careful scanning revealed Turnstones and Meadow Pipits amongst the seaweed and boulders.
Moving on towards, and past, the first conifer woodland, list-fillers such as Robin, Dunnock, Grey Wagtail, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch and Blackbird were recorded before the path moved out into the open, with views towards our destination.
Overhead, Wigeon, Pintail and the first Skylarks of the morning with a Stonechat perched on the top of a gorse bush and a nice Kingfisher on the bank, overlooking the incoming tide.

Reaching the first of the two useable hides we had great views of the waders - Dunlin, Redshank and Ringed Plover before moving on to the second, larger hide. A slightly obscured view but we did have Black-tailed Godwits, Knot and four beautiful Greenshank. On the water, Mallard, Canada Geese, Greylag Geese and Little Grebe.

Setting off back towards Llanfairfechan we encountered our first raptor of the day, a Buzzard soaring high above the reserve being mobbed by two Little Egrets. You wouldn't have seen that a few years ago!

Reaching a point with a view along the strip of land reaching out towards Anglesey where the Oystercatchers had gathered to sit out the tide we met up again with a very knowledgeable young man we'd met earlier in the morning. Along with colleagues he'd set up cannon nets with a view to capturing and then ringing the Oystercatchers: an annual event. Unfortunately the birds weren't co-operating and hadn't moved to the optimum position, by now though it was too late and if the cannons were fired the nets would have ended up in the water. There would be a second opportunity later though as the tide ebbed.
It reminded me of a time in the 1970s when Frank, Len and I did a tour of Scotland after a week volunteering at Loch Garten. We met some weather-beaten salmon fishermen who had set up their nets out in an estuary and were sat waiting for events to unfold. I suggested that the nets had been positioned in the wrong place; they suggested, quite aggressively, that I "go away" or words to that effect. Only trying to help!
Club Secretary Karina had arrived back at the cars before the rest of us and taken a walk along the stream that runs into the sea (Afon Llanfairfechan) where she added Dipper to the day's sightings.

On then to our second stop of the day at the RSPB's Conwy reserve. It was a BLT sandwich and a nice coffee for me before venturing out onto the rest of the reserve. I think it was just Karina and Frank who did a complete circumnavigation of the reserve, the rest of us spent a pleasant hour or so in the last hide on the northern side enjoying the afternoon sunshine. We'd caught up with Bob Groom who'd had singing Cetti's Warbler and produced a Sparrowhawk for us way out in the distance, over the hills. Also from the hide, overlooking the main body of water, Pochard, Teal, Gadwall, Tufted Duck Grey Heron, Shoveler and a crowd of 14 Little Egrets.
We ended up with 61 different species, a few more than last year.

Colin Butler wasn't with us on Saturday, he'd probably done more than enough on Thursday when he enjoyed a one man, one day trip to the east coast. His summary is a bit too big for this part of the website, so I've given it a page of its own. You can read it here. Thanks Colin!

In the preceding week Bob had, again, spent a lot of time over at Rostherne watching the Hobbies ........"" 3rd September. Lovely still, autumnal weather. Another wonderful afternoon session. Walking to the Observatory I saw a Great Spotted flying into a tree near the church, and a Lesser Spotted immediately flying out and away into the reserve! The size difference was very obvious. There were 2 Hobbies present, the immature and an adult which when they were perched close together in the left hand trees it was obvious that the adult was a much bigger bird. The adult was around pretty much the whole time until when I was getting ready to leave a C.Crow drove it from there to the mereside dead trees but then a Magpie wouldn't let it stay there either. The Great White Egret made a surprise appearance at the sandbank area before flying across the mere. Buzzard, Raven, Heron. The Peregrine flew low across the mere. 5 Fieldfares flew past. Coal Tit, 16 Goldfinches, 2 Pied Wagtails.............

Those Fieldfares, seen by Bob, are the first of the autumn that I've seen mentioned locally. Barrie Armitt hasn't had any yet, although he's recorded Redwings since last Thursday (3/10)

Geoff and Sheila Blamire were also at Rostherne on the third ........"We had 5 Buzzards and 1 Raven in the morning (Wednesday), also 2 Goldcrests below the Obs, otherwise it was quiet. On Martin’s Field we had 800+ Woodpigeons (conservative estimate). We mentioned that to Phil Dell (bumped into him on the walk back) and he said perhaps we could steer the Peregrine there rather than attacking Little Egret and Hobby! He said he witnessed the Peregrine having a go at the Hobby and that perhaps he caught the Hobby with one of his talons which caused the injury to its eye. It was strange that the Peregrine was carrying a branch after an attack – perhaps it was the branch that the Hobby was perched on!"...........

Needless to say our dynamic duo were out and about the morning after the trip to North Wales!........."We did our usual Sunday morning visit to Plumley and Holford. At the Inovyn offices 22 Curlews on a small pond – but they were very flighty and flew off. Walking down Holford track we came across c12 Mistle Thrushes (flew off towards Lostock Green) and a Great Spotted Woodpecker. Continued to the railway and towards the level crossing in a field there were 14+ Mistle Thrushes (the same ones or another flock?), 40+ Linnets and 8+ Goldfinches."...........

Other News - Tatton ranger, Darren Morris found a Great White Egret today at the outlet from Tatton Mere. It bore a red ring with white lettering on it's left leg (AFU)

On Sunday (6/10) Karina saw a late House Martin at High Legh.

The first returning Goldeneye has been recorded at Rostherne.(4/10) and 80 Shoveler were counted on the Mere (3/10).

Bill Bellamy's latest Rostherne quarterly review has been published, it covers July, August and September 2024 - you can read it here.

Species recorded during the trip to North Wales. Saturday 5th October 2024
Pied Wagtail, House Sparrow, Goosander, Oystercatcher, Herring gull, Curlew, Great Crested Grebe, Common Scoter, Little Egret, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Red-throated Diver, Starling, Black-headed Gull, Mute Swan, Turnstone, Meadow Pipit, Grey Wagtail, Goldfinch, Robin, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Wigeon, Lapwing, Canada Goose, Cormorant, Black-tailed Godwit, Pintail, Skylark, Kingfisher, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Mallard, Redshank, Red-breasted Merganser, Little Grebe, Greenshank, Stonechat, Knot, Moorhen, Buzzard, greylag Goose, Dipper, Coot, Pochard, Teal, Gadwall, Cetti's Warbler, Magpie, Tufted Duck, Sparrowhawk, Blue Tit, Greenfinch, Grey heron, Shoveler, Song Thrush, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Wren, Lesser Black-backed Gull. [ ✓ 61]

29th September 2024........ above and beyond!
KOS Treasurer, Frank Dearden, the leader for next Saturday's trip to North Wales, takes the job very seriously. So he took himself off this Saturday (28/9) to do a full recce. If you remember he did the same last year when he led the Marshside/ Martin Mere outing!

"The large Promenade car park where we normally assemble is currently subject to major refurbishment and is largely closed. I made a visit earlier today and can report that a small area has been kept open on the eastern side of the cafe. Access to this parking is just a few yards away from the regular entrance. We shall now assemble here.

It has space to park at least two dozen vehicles with just six spaces occupied by 10.00am today. If circumstances change by next weekend, I have identified back-up parking and will be able to direct members there on the day, if necessary.

Please note that the Promenade car park toilets are currently inaccessible. The cafe is still operational but does not commence trading until after 10.00am.

At least RSPB Conwy seems to be functioning normally!"

"Well I'm the leader and that's what leaders do!" - thanks Frank and, as I said, "above and beyond"

I had a bit of luck last Monday morning (23/9) on a visit to the Rostherne Mere obs. I'd set my camera up to record the activities of the small birds visiting the bird table when, at 11:35am, I heard a call that I wasn't familiar with; looking up, almost overhead, two Spoonbills were passing over - spatulate bill and trailing black legs clearly seen, without the aid of binocs! They were in view for about 10 seconds, not enough time to re-set the camera which insisted on focusing on the tree branches behind which they were now flying.
I thought they may have been dropping down to the east side of the mere so I made my way down through Wood Bongs to the Bittern hide but drew a blank. Perhaps they were heading to Tatton but no luck there either, for me or Ranger Darren Morris who was birding on the east side of the main mere (even on his day off!).

Bob Groom travelled over later in the day - "Following a message from Tony that he was pretty sure that 2 Spoonbills had gone over I headed for the Observatory. Meantime he was checking Tatton but without success. The message did me a favour however, as at 2.25 I had a spectacular sighting, a Lesser Black-Backed Gull chased a Peregrine across the mere and into a tree in the Cormorant colony. For a short while a Hobby did the usual sallying out over the mere from the left-hand trees. Also saw a partial albino Carrion Crow. Flock of some 30 Goldfinches. 8 log entries in all so another successful session."

The Hobbies will be gone soon, making their way to Africa for the Winter, so Bob is making the most of the remaining few days to watch his favourite bird!! ........" Saturday 28th September 2024 - In view of their imminent departure I managed to squeeze in a visit to the Observatory early afternoon. Two Hobbies but there was to be a nasty surprise. Through his scope Simon Cook noticed that the younger bird had lost an eye or it was very badly damaged, suggesting that it may have been attacked. Fortunately it still seemed to be successful at catching dragonflies, which it did repeatedly from the left-hand trees. Also seen, Peregrine over the mere, several Buzzards, 2 House Martins, Jay, c.15 Goldfinches. I then had to go to Simon's but afterwards carried on to Mobberley and was pleased to see there were still c.25 Swallows at Blackthorn Farm. Also several Raven sightings, possibly of the same bird.".........

Bob mentioned the Swallows at Blackthorn Farm. They were still feeding young in one of the barns on Tuesday (24/9) but two days later they weren't visiting the building, instead the adults were passing food to the youngsters on the wing. They will be gone soon.

Last Sunday (22/9) Pete Kelly and Bob got a soaking during their WeBS wildfowl count at Tabley Mere ......."It was an absolutely dreadful morning for it and I wasn't able to see much, watching my footing and, even then, had a couple of scary moments. 11 Egyptian Geese and Pete spotted a half-hidden Little Egret. Surprisingly only 2 Mute Swans seen. 2 Shelducks and 2 Shovelers. No hirundines.."........

The Blamires, Geoff and Sheila also mentioned the weather on the same morning!......."What’s happening with Sundays? When the rain started c10:45 it was relentless. Although last Sunday was raining from the start. Had 6 Curlews off Holford track, then along the railway track a lady said a Red Kite flew over very low – but yesterday. We decided to walk the road where we had a Whinchat last Sunday. In a field we counted 5 Curlews (part of the small flock from earlier?) then further along the road it was ‘covered’ in small birds: 2 Yellowhammers, 1 bird flew away had white outer tail feathers (Reed Bunting?), then 10 (yes 10!) Dunnocks. Never seen so many Dunnocks in a flock. When we walked up to where they were they had been we couldn't see any spilt seeds or anything else that would have attracted them, very strange."......

Pink-footed Geese continue to pass over our area on their way across to East Anglia; Ken Davies recorded 80+ passing over Middlewich at around 7pm yesterday (27/9) whilst, earlier in the day, Mike Duckham had an estimated 200-250 flying south-east. He also watched the elusive juvenile Black-necked Grebe; seen near the split limes, from the obs.

So, don't forget next Saturday's trip to North Wales and to let trip leader Frank know if you intend to come along that's the least you can do after the dedication he showed yesterday!!!

21st September 2024....... More Hobbies and the first Pink-footed Geese.

Founder member Len Mason is currently on a waiting list for a hip replacement operation, so he's not getting out and about as much as he'd like; nevertheless he still potters around his garden in Mobberley's Bucklow Avenue and last weekend he was justifiably delighted to hear an autumn singing Chiffchaff, his first of the year!
It was no doubt this bird that Olwen and I heard on Thursday (19/9) as it moved through the local gardens calling, singing and occasionally darting out from the undergrowth to indulge in a little fly catching. Also recorded during the day two Ring-necked Parakeets and the unmistakable call of Pink-footed Geese, we were painting our newly refurbished garage at the time and I was perched at the top of a ladder, so it was "heard only"!

Anyway, they wouldn't have been the first of the season for KOS members, as Secretary Karina Stanley had plenty last Thursday ........"We were around Ormskirk on Thursday. Skeins of PFG filling the skies. Lovely to see them back.".........

They also featured on Wednesday's Woolston Eyes trip list (18/9). Bob Groom, who was in a different hide than the rest of a small party of mid-weekers, had a flock of about 20 in the far distance. Woolston was a little disappointing, after reading reports from the previous day ......."the low water level on No.3 bed has concentrated the fish stocks and masses of fish-eating were taking advantage of the easy pickings. Star bird was the Spoonbill, which, as well as sieving for crustaceans, was also watched wrestling with a medium sized fish which eventually got away. Alongside it were 5 Great Egrets, 1 Little Egret, 25 Grey Herons and upwards of 30 Cormorants, as well as at least one Kingfisher. "..........
Just one Great White Egret remained and we had only a fleeting glimpse of a Kingfisher as it sped, low across the water, between two reedbeds. Water birds made up the bulk of our sightings - Tufted Duck, Teal, Mute Swan, Gadwall, Little and Great Created Grebes, Mallard, Shoveler, Canada and Greylag geese. Crossing the bridge on our way in a Grey Wagtail flew underneath, whilst, on the return journey and from the same location, Jude Halman pointed out an interesting looking moth. It was predominately grey but, in flight, flashes of bright crimson were evident. I managed a record shot when it landed on a rusty metal upright that formed part of the bridges structure. Intrigued, I joined the Cheshire Moths Facebook group where it was confirmed as a Red Underwing (Catocala nupta), a species not on the Woolston Eyes moth list.

Rostherne's been having a "purple patch": last Saturday (14/9) Mike Duckham had one adult and two juvenile Hobbies and, later the same day, Phil Dell recorded an Osprey and a Marsh Harrier.

On Monday (16/9), following all the excitement, I went over to Rostherne hoping to catch up with one or two of Saturday's birds but it wasn't to be, it was cool, misty and very quiet so I dropped in a Tatton on the way home to look for the Stonechat family but, again, drew a blank. Bob had seen them on the Saturday (14/9) ........"Both adults and a juvenile Stonechat on the Melchett Mere fence, also Raven and a few Swallows and House Martins "......... He'd joined me at Rostherne shortly before I'd moved over to Tatton and, as the mist cleared and the sun came out, he'd had more luck than me with the Hobbies ......."" Conscious that Hobby time will soon run out I left the painters hard at work and joined Tony at the Observatory. After he left a Hobby, several times visited the left hand trees and then we had a treat, spectacular aerobatics over the mere and beyond chasing dragonflies and avoiding marauding corvids; as good as it gets. Several Great Spots and Jays seen, 14 Lapwings, drake Wigeon, 5 Gadwall, several Buzzards. Thermalling female Sparrowhawk at Cicely Mill. Beautiful sunshine.........

Geoff and Sheila Blamire, Rostherne "regulars", missed the "raptor fest" on Saturday, when they chose to explore Holford Moss as part of their daily walk but were rewarded with a Whinchat, heading south for the Winter ........"This morning we parked near the Inovyn offices and set off in heavy rain. It would have been so easy to abort the walk, particularly because we weren't wearing waterproof trousers. But in a field near the offices we counted 14 Curlews and walked down a short way along another road to see more of the field in case we had missed some birds. But (drum roll) close by on a hedge was a – WHINCHAT! It didn’t stay long and flew off and we couldn't relocate it. We walked around several fields and couldn't see any other Curlews – actually we couldn't relocate the original 14! But it was well worth getting wet…".......

Tatton Ranger, Darren Morris has kindly sent me a copy of the Autumn 2024 "Tatton Wildlife Newsletter"; you can read it here - thanks Darren!

Our first indoor meeting of the new season will take place next Friday (27th. September) when Steve Halliday will be presenting his talk - "St. Kilda: The Lonely Isles"
Steve's talk will begin at 8:00pm but the Jubilee Hall will be open from about 7:15pm, allowing time for members and visitors to do some catching up and socialising. Non-members will be made most welcome - Jubilee Hall, Stanley Road, Knutsford, WA16 0GP

Admission is £3 for members and £6 for non-members. Admission and membership is FREE for under 18s!!

Our next field trip is on Saturday 5th October, when we'll be visiting Llanfairfechan and Morfa Madryn followed by Conwy RSPB, meeting at Llanfairfechan car park at 10am. Frank Dearden will be our leader for the day and you may want to let him know in advance if you're coming along -

Species recorded at Woolston Eyes, Wednesday 18th September 2024
Chiffchaff, Great Tit, Magpie, Woodpigeon, Long-tailed Tit, Robin, Wren, Grey Heron, Tufted Duck, Grey Wagtail, Teal, Mute Swan, Great White Egret, Gadwall, Little Grebe, Mallard, Shoveler, Cormorant, Canada Goose, Greylag Goose, Kingfisher, Cetti's Warbler, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Moorhen, Coot, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Buzzard, Swallow, Carrion Crow, Pink-footed Goose, Sparrowhawk, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Lapwing, Blue Tit, Great Crested Grebe, Chaffinch, Blackbird [ ✓ 39]

10th September 2024 ........ Leighton Moss - a day of two halves!

There was an encouraging turnout of 16 members for Sunday's (8/9) field trip up the M6 to the RSPB's Leighton Moss Nature Reserve. Sheila Blamire was our leader for the day and had decided to follow the traditional Leighton Moss procedure - the main part of the reserve in the morning followed by the shore hides, overlooking Morcambe Bay, in the afternoon.
One of our number had booked a mobility scooter in advance of our visit and was able to visit all the hides in this part of the reserve. The RSPB have done a good job in making the reserve available to those with mobility issues and the latest scooters, Trampers all-terrain buggys, are very impressive bits of kit. They are fully equipped and road-legal with lights, horn and direction indicators. Although driving to the shore hides would be a possibility I think there would be insurance implications and, I presume, this is currently verboten!

Our first port of call was the sky tower with its 360⁰ view across the whole of the reserve, not much to see though - Moorhen, Coot, Gadwall, Grey Heron and Black-headed Gulls with Cetti's Warblers in full song from the reedbeds. On this occasion, the Tim Jackson and Grisedale hides were equally disappointing. We'd dropped into the reserve on our way back from the 50th anniversary trip to Dumfries and Galloway in early June and from the same spots had Reed and Sedge Warblers in song and "booming" Bitterns but, of course, this was the wrong time of the year.

Glum faces too as we entered the causeway hide - move along please, nothing to see here! So it was back to the visitor centre and the covered pergola where some of the party enjoyed their mid-day butties. At least there was some activity here, the feeders were busy with small birds including Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Blue, Great, Coal and, of course, Marsh Tits. Two of the latter, a declining species in one of its remaining strongholds.

So, a dour first half (a bit like watching United on a bad day) but what a difference in the second! The track leading down to the car park used by visitors to the shore hides, which used to keep the local tyre and exhaust centre in business, has at last been resurfaced and it's possible to progress at more than walking pace.
From the first hide (the Allen hide) - Avocets, Little and Great White Egrets were added to the day list in the first couple of minutes. A local birder had his 'scope trained on a Spotted Redshank, way out on the marsh, out of range of our binoculars but readily identifiable through his Swarovski instrument. Two small flocks of hirundines passed overhead - Swallows and House Martins, five Snipe dropped in and a dozen Black-tailed Godwits joined the other waders in front of the hide.

Moving on to the Eric Morcambe hide a Chiffchaff was in full song as we approached and, once inside, more additions to the list - a Greenshank showed well in the (now rainy) conditions as did a second Spotted Redshank which Colin caught on camera as it flew off showing just a hint of it's white rump and the lack of white trailing edges on it's wings, a characteristic of the Common Redshank. A fellow birder found a Kingfisher perched on a fence post, again out on the marsh, three Cattle Egrets went almost un-noticed quite close in and, finally, a male Marsh Harrier flew in from the direction of Morcambe, our only raptor of the day. A memorable second half!

On the subject of raptors, Bob Groom had a close encounter with his favourite species last Monday (2/9) at Rostherne Mere when one of his frequent visits coincided with the appearance of the Hobby that everyone else was seeing! .........."After my duck (ha!) in recent weeks I broke it spectacularly, having a Hobby mostly in view for the best part of two hours.. I was over the moon! It first appeared using the side-by-side dead trees at mereside to catch dragonflies. At one point it moved to the nearer lone dead tree for a long preening session, giving great views through the big binocs. A Jay appeared and was side-by-side with the Hobby briefly. Then it went back to the mereside trees to catch more insects. Just couldn't take my eyes off it.. (Luckily the Buzzard that had been around earlier had gone on its way.) Eventually it was disturbed by a couple of Jackdaws and flew to the usual trees left of the mere but they caught up with it and chased it out of sight, which finally allowed me to leave. At first I thought it was an immature, maybe in its first year, but it seemed to have too bright red when it was preening for it not to be an adult. Always difficult to be sure."..............

Geoff and Sheila Blamire had what was presumably the same bird the following morning .........."We did a quick visit to the Obs this morning and soon the Hobby flew from the Rostherne Brook direction to perch on the dead tree. Took a lot of insects – mostly hawker dragonflies - to dissect them on the dead tree. There were 2 Buzzards around and one took up residence on the left 'hobby' tree (from last year). After 30 mins the Hobby flew back to the direction of Rostherne Brook, passing the perched Buzzard, and disappeared from sight. We were packing up to leave anyway."...........

Park Ranger, Darren Morris tells me that last Wednesday (4/9) he saw three fledgling Stonechats near Melchett Mere. I had a male in full song on the 13th March this year so it looks as though the birds have nested again this year, having been successful in 2023.

In May this year Colin Butler visited the island of Lesbos for a weeks birding. He offered to take along any KOS members who were interested. Two members accepted Colin's kind offer and they had a great time, adding numerous new species to their life lists.
He's off on his travels again: in November to Gambia and next May to Morocco. He's sent me details and can be contacted if anyone fancies either of these trips.

Gambia is 10th November for 7 nights, 4 of which is upriver.
The accommodation upriver is restricted so I am unsure of the availability but if anyone is interested I will contact the guide.

Morocco, the final itinerary is still being discussed due to complications with booking the flights but they have now been booked. It is 7 days birding from Casablanca. The main birds are -
Small Button quail
Double-spurred Francolin
Black-headed Tchagra
Marsh and Maghreb Owl
Atlas Flycatcher
Seebohm's, Red-tailed and Red-rumped Wheatears
Barbary and Lanner Falcon
And a plethora of other larks for which Morocco is renowned for.
There are many more, in fact too many to mention but that is just a flavour.
The dates are 23rd to 31st May 2025.
Three of us have booked, the maximum is 6.
If any one is interested just get in touch.

I am away from Wednesday 11th for a week on Fuerteventura with my good wife, I leave the bad one at home when going on holiday.

If you would like to do some twitching closer to home Colin is proposing to dash off to Spurn anytime between now and November if the weather conditions are favourable and has again sent me appropriate details

I will be keeping an eye on the weather after my holiday this week, until the first week in November for the right conditions to visit Spurn.
Generally these are high pressure over Scandinavia and low pressure over the low countries.
If the wind over Eastern Europe has been from the East for a long period even better as migrants from Siberia will have been blown into Scandinavia.
The birds start to move on the high pressure in Scandinavia and are then caught up in the low pressure which is generally an Easterly wind resulting in the birds arriving on the East Coast.
I am a "Friend of Spurn" and have a walkie talkie which receives all the bird sightings the second that they have been seen.
As soon as the conditions are right I will be off to Spurn.
If anyone is interested sufficiently to come along please let me know and we can treat it like one of Tony's mid-week trips.
Spurn has the highest number of recorded birds of any UK bird observatory it really is a magical place when conditions are right.
Any one coming in my car will have to be willing to leave mine at daft o'clock clock but for any others we will arrange to meet at the Crown and Anchor pub.
It is a long journey but an easy on as the vast majority in on the M62 which then morphs into a A road until you pass the docks in Hull.
If conditions are right it could be the best days birding you have had in the UK.
Pop me an email with your phone number and I will contact you when the time is right, the arrangements may be last minute but generally you can anticipate it a few days in advance,
I do stay sometimes stay for a night in the obs or in a local B&B but not every time.

Sad news today, in an email from Steve Barber, of the passing of one of Rostherne's early stalwarts -
Hi Tony,
I had the sad news, via Tom Wall, yesterday that John Dawson had died on August 23rd after a long illness.

John, you will remember, was one of the voluntary wardens at Rostherne for many years and had already been a frequent visitor for some years in 1978 when Gill & I first visited and met him. As Tom pointed out, the number from Rostherne who will remember John is much diminished these days but it occurs to me that there will likely be KOS members who will remember him.

The funeral is at Macc Crematorium on Thursday at 10:45 followed by refreshments at The Merlin between Macc & Wilmslow.

best wishes

Species recorded on the trip to Leighton Moss on 8th September 2024
Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Marsh Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Nuthatch Chaffinch, Mallard, Cetti's Warbler, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Black-headed Gull, Moorhen, Grey Heron, Coot, Gadwall, Bullfinch, Dunnock, Wren, Carrion Crow, Greenfinch, Mute Swan, Teal, Shoveler, Woodpigeon, Cormorant, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Magpie, Goldfinch / Avocet, Little Egret, Redshank, Lapwing, Spotted Redshank, Great White Egret, Swallow, House Martin, Common Snipe, Black-tailed Godwit, Chiffchaff, Starling, Pied Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Greenshank, Curlew, Kingfisher, Cattle Egret, Marsh Harrier,Blackbird, Great Black-backed Gull, Little Grebe [ ✓ 51]

1st September 2024........A wet Wednesday in Northwich!

A small group of mid-weekers were greeted at the Witton Bridge car park on Wednesday (28/8) by a disconsolate and bedraggled looking Grey Heron hunched on a branch overhanging Witton Brook - it was that sort of morning! Yes it was a bit wet and a coolish 16⁰ C but, undeterred, we set off as planned along Marbury Lane towards Budworth mere. There wasn't much activity along the 3Km walk to the viewing screen, overlooking the west end of the mere and the Coward reedbed - Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps were heard from the roadside vegetation I think the only excitement came as we paused on Butterfinch Bridge to throw pieces of Goostrey's whole meal bread into the stream below where, they were gratefully accepted by the resident Chub.
Swallows and House Martins were hawking for insects over the mereside trees whilst below, on the water, Canada and Greylag Geese. A flock of Greylags arrived as we watched from the screen (it seemed a sizeable flock and we later learnt that 273 were counted, a record for Budworth Mere).

It was nice to meet up with Stuart Jackson again, Stuart spends many hours at the screen recording the wildlife on camera. He produces some top-notch images, these are posted on Twitter. The picture of the eclipse plumage Pochard reproduced at the start of this update is one of Stuart's. Continuing along the waterside path we met some locals who put us onto three Yellow Wagtails across the far side of the mere, the birds were quite settled so, despite the distance, we had good views through our friend's expensive looking 'scopes. Impressive equipment but it looked a bit on the heavy side, I wouldn't fancy carrying it very far!
We ended up with 32 species on the list after a walk of 6.4Km, not very impressive but at least we enjoyed some fresh air and lively conversation.

I assumed that Wednesday's Yellow Wagtails would be my last of the Summer but I was delighted to come across a family party of five the following morning (29/8)on the roof of a barn at Blackthorn Farm, along Gleavehouse Lane in Mobberley. There are still plenty of Swallows at the farm but by this time next month the majority will have left for their Winter quarters, followed by our House Martins around mid-October when we'll welcome the return of our first Winter thrushes.

On the same morning Geoff and Sheila Blamire were also out and about, in their case Dunham Massey ...........""Thursday: 10.6km walk starting off at Dunham Massey, then on to Little Bollington under Bridgewater canal, through several fields, then to the canal and walking along the tow path, back to Dunham Massey. Different walk which produced 7 Buzzards in the sky together, Kestrel and, of course, Ring-necked Parakeets.

Friday: 10km walk around Millington area – no sign of the Yellowhammer family this morning, but the local Kestrels have been successful (see Geoff’s photo).

Two of our KOS members have enjoyed recent birding trips and kindly sent us brief details.

From Colin Butler .............." I thought that the group may be interested in my latest experience.
I attended a workshop run by Danny Green, who I first met when he gave the KOS a talk. It was a bird of prey workshop a Loughborough where a Falconer brought four birds for the group to photograph Peregrine Falcon, Little Owl, Eagle Owl and Golden Eagle.
I have attached some of the photographs that I shot for the benefit of the group, which will require no captions.
Although it rained heavily at times this only added to the experience.

All went well until I paid for the parking only to find that the locking system on my car malfunctioned resulting in my car keys and phone being locked inside of my car. After some assistance from Danny I managed to phone my wife who managed to join the AA for me ( I already had assistance but could not remember who it was with!).
The issue was resolved by the AA with the use of two plastic spatulas and a long piece of stiff wire and I arrived home some two hours later than planned. Anyhow, it was a good day and I attach some small versions of the photographs that I managed on the day. "

Thanks Colin, Danny came to talk to us in November 2022

Tatton Ranger Darren Morris travelled down to the south coast and was impressed with what he found............."I’ve had a good day (27/8). Four ospreys seen catching fish and a male and female white-tailed eagle perched and in flight.
For years, I’ve been tempted with Dorset, but always “gone with what we know” and headed east to Norfolk.
So, for a change, the base is Swanage, Dorset. Inspired by the music of Dorset's local award-winning music heroine P.J. Harvey, after seeing her recently.
The first visit was Arne RSPB. Dartford warblers, nightjars, egrets are residents.
Today was an "Osprey Cruise" organised by the charity, The Birds of Poole Harbour. They have an Instagram page.
Roy Dennis has been pivotal in this area's recent upsurge in wildlife conservation and tourism. Learning from Rutland and other "release" schemes, Poole Harbour is a massive success and is about to become even more important.
Ospreys are now breeding here. More pairs are expected. Especially after four males were raised here this season ( it's the males that return to the "natal" breeding grounds.
The eagles have moved over from the Isle of White release scheme. Again Roy Dennis!
They are expected to breed here soon too.
The tour was led by this massively inspiring charity. They own no land but have got people talking. The RSPB, Natural England, local and County councils and most importantly, NGO's.
They have nest cameras throughout the season so check them out next March!

Such a positive. Seeing conservation working and young people doing a bloody good job at it.
Check out
#birdsofpooleharbour #myabambrick"

Thanks Darren, obviously some good work going on down there!

Today is the start of the metrological Autumn ( The seasons are split to coincide with our Gregorian calendar, making it easier for meteorological observing and forecasting to compare seasonal and monthly statistics. 23 September is the start of the astronomical Autumn.). So a timely reminder from Karina, our Secretary about forthcoming KOS activities.

Suddenly we are nearing the end of August!
As the geese start flying over noisily early in the morning and small groups of Swallows and House Martins flitter across the sky, there's a definite hint of Autumn in the air.
As a KOS member, I’m sure you are looking forward to the restart of the weekend field trips. First up is a visit to Leighton Moss- can we make it three in a row for the Bearded Reedlings? Time to dust off the RSPB membership card!

Sunday September 8th : Leighton Moss RSPB, meet at Leighton Moss car park at 10am.
Myers Farm, Storrs Lane, Silverdale LA5 0SW · 63 miles
Leader: Sheila Blamire. Kindly contact Sheila to let her know you will be joining the group.

We start our Friday evening talks in the Jubilee Hall, Stanley Rd, Knutsford with a talk on St Kilda. 8pm with doors opening beforehand for a chance of a catch up with your KOS friends.
Friday September 27th ‘St. Kilda: The Lonely Isles’ by Steve Halliwell.
A talk intended to whet the appetite of those still capable of going to the islands and satisfy the curiosity of those who can't!!
Loving the sound of this talk. It’s good to find out about places closer to home and the volcanic Outer Hebridean islands are somewhere I have always wanted to visit.
We hope to see as many of you as possible this month and if not, see you in October (Oct 5 Sat Llanfairfechan and Morfa Madryn followed by Conwy RSPB).
All the best

Species recorded on a wet morning at Budworth Mere - Wednesday 28th August 2024.
Mute Swan, Robin, Grey Heron, Stock Dove, Wood Pigeon, Blackbird, Jackdaw, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Nuthatch, Dunnock, Chiffchaff, Coot, Canada Geese, Greylag Geese, Lapwing, Black-headed Gull, Cormorant, Egyptian Goose, Starling, Pochard, Mallard, Little Egret, Moorhen, Yellow Wagtail, Blackcap, Ring-necked Parakeet, Buzzard, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Crested Grebe, House Martin, Swallow [ ✓ 32]

22nd August 2024........... Blackberry Bonanza!
In Mobberley, the paths leading towards Pedley Brook that became so well worn during the first covid lockdown in the Spring of 2020, have now returned to nature and are barely discernible. I've walked down there a couple of times this week and not seen anyone else on my travels; not much in the way of birds either, although I'm sure passing waders drop down to Gleavehouse Pool from time to time. There were lots of birds there on Wednesday(21/8), upwards of 200, but all the same species - Canada Geese! It wasn't a wasted journey though, the bramble bushes alongside the track leading down to Fox Harbour are laden with blackberries this year and I was able to take a couple of pounds back home to the proof & sensitivity reader who skillfully converted them into blackberry and apple crumbles!

The Blamires, Geoff and Sheila, on one of their daily walks (17/8), didn't wait until they returned home! ..........."We haven’t collected any blackberries – usually we carry boxes but we haven’t this year - all the blackberries we're picking go straight into our mouths!
Little Mere: all 5 Grey Herons have fledged and found a Beautiful Demoiselle there.
High Legh/Millington: the pair of Yellowhammers on Moss Lane are still there and very loathe to fly off. This morning they were still collecting seeds (no insects) – see Geoff’s photo. Buzzards still around. "

The previous day the pair included the Rostherne reserve in their itinerary and noted that the birds are also making the most of this years crop or berries ........"Good visit this morning: Great White Egret flew around the mere and then dived under cover at Gale Bog (some gulls were harassing it!), 2 Blackcaps, Goldcrest, Chiffchaff, 11+ Greylags, male Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3+ Grey Herons, male Chaffinch ( a long time since one came to the bird table), etc.".........

Bob Groom visited the reserve later in the day but found things rather quiet ........"Pretty quiet at the Observatory PM today (and surprisingly chilly I found). Sheila had already logged several species including the now regular Great White Egret, Great Spotted Woodpecker etc. Raptors were conspicuous by their absence. Yesterday the Flashes were also disappointing with Kestrel the only raptor, lots of dragonflies but no Hobby. 3 late Swifts with the House Martins at Ashton's, where also 9 Curlews and briefly a Green Woodpecker. Nil visibility at Pod's ..".............

So, for the average birder, locally, things seem a bit quiet, but it's a time of plenty for the local ringers and the reedbeds at Rostherne and Knutsford Moor have provided some interesting records, especially those concerning Cetti's Warblers. Hugh Pulsford and Malcolm Calvert have kindly sent me details of their recent activities.
Hugh first ........" I thought folks might like to know that we have now caught 4 recently fledged Cetti’s at Knutsford Moor in July/August proving that the bred nearby. I guess many will have heard males in song during the spring in the area so it’s nice to get confirmation. There were 2 females and 1 male , and one we couldn't sex. Cetti’s males have longer wings and are heavier with only a small overlap area."...........

From Malcolm ........"Cetti's Warblers are now well established at Rostherne Mere but as a male bird may have up to 3 or 4 mates it is not possible to ascertain the number of pairs on the reserve.

A singing male in October 2009 (caught and ringed in December) remained into the following year when a female was netted in May carrying colour rings from Droitwich in Worcestershire, having been ringed in the previous summer as a juvenile. They produced at least one young and claimed the second breeding record in Cheshire.

Fallow years followed with only the capture of a female in September 2015 and another in October 2018.

2019 was the turning point with 6 juveniles caught; 2020 also had 6 juveniles trapped. Although there was much activity on the reserve in 2021 and breeding may have occurred, no young birds were encountered.

5 juveniles were captured in each of 2022 and 2023; 4 juveniles have been ringed so far in the current year. John Adshead and I found a nest of 4 eggs in early May, necessitating the issue of a Schedule 1 licence but sadly the nest was predated: a Weasel was sighted nearby.

In June 2024 we controlled a male from Woolston Eyes, ringed there as a juvenile in 2023.

5 of the young females marked at Rostherne have been controlled elsewhere in the following season: at Welwyn, Hertfordshire (2020); Rutland Water (2022); Betley Mere, Staffordshire (2023); Woolston Eyes (2024); Pickmere (2024)."

Thanks chaps and keep up the good work!!

It's been reported that a member of the KOS has been indulging in a little twitching and visited the Burton Mere Wetlands Reserve solely for the purpose of putting tick next to the name Hudsonian Godwit of course this kind of behaviour is not normally tolerated but, as he's a relatively new member, a mild rebuke and a warning as to his future conduct was considered appropriate!

13th August 2024.........Woolston Eyes.

Despite a less than encouraging weather forecast, a small group of mid-weekers enjoyed a long-overdue morning's birding last Wednesday (7/8) at Warrington's Woolston Eyes Nature Reserve. I can report that some of the potholes in the road leading to the locked barrier have been filled but many remain and it's advisable to proceed with caution. This is also true of the route alongside the canal up to the car park.
Crossing the bridge onto the reserve proper we had good views of a Kingfisher that remained on an overhanging branch long enough for 'scopes to be set up and focussed on the bird.
The first viewing platform had just been painted with preservative and we gave it a miss; the Sybil Hogg Hide too, as it apparently contained a hornets' nest - we didn't check! Walking though towering stands of Himalayan balsam towards the Tower Hide we heard the calls of Chiffchaffs and watched a Blackcap feeding on elderberries, but birding's not easy at this time of the year, despite the fact that ringing results show there are plenty around, the majority keep a low profile. Good numbers of waterfowl were on view from the Tower Hide, although it's a bit of a challenge to differentiate between some of the species in their confusing eclipse plumages. We did, though, pick out Mallard, Mute Swan, Canada and Greylag Geese, Little Grebe, Moorhen, Coot, Gadwall, Tufted Duck and Shoveler. Recent counts on the whole reserve revealed 1,115 Gadwall and 636 Coot! No Black-necked Grebes remain on No.3 bed but 6 adults and 11 juveniles can still be seen on No.4 Bed, including a late brood, still being fed by their parents.
Moving along to the Morgan Hide, the same wildfowl but more passerines, with Greenfinches, Blue, Great and Coal Tits on the feeders and excellent views of a Kingfisher, as it perched on the fence posts, right in front of the hide before diving down after sticklebacks in the water below (see Simon's picture, above). The rain we'd been promised failed to appear and the long walk around the perimeter paths and back to the cars was completed before it eventually arrived. A Whitethroat and a calling Willow Tit were added to the day list, which ended up at exactly 40 different species after adding Common Sandpiper, Swift and Marsh Harrier, seen by Bob Groom after we'd left the Morgan Hide.

More signs of the ever changing seasons at Rostherne where Bob recorded the first returning Goosander on Sunday morning (11/8) ........."The family of 7 Ravens paid a return visit. Couple of Swifts seen briefly. The Great White was still in residence and a Little Egret came out of cover for a short while. A female Goosander made a surprise appearance. Couple of Herons and 3 Buzzards but no sparrowhawk and no sign of hobbies. Stock Dove. Sheelagh Halsey counted an amazing 77 Great Crested Grebes, including 3 juveniles. It was a mite windy so no butterflies.. ".............
The Great White Egret showed well on Monday (12/8) for Jude Halman and me, at one stage it flew low along the edge of the mere before alighting in a dead tree hanging over the water. The few remaining elderberries, on a bush in front of the obs., attracted a Blackcap and a juvenile Willow Warbler that posed nicely for my camera.

Geoff and Sheila Blamire enjoyed (or probably, endured) the hot weather over the weekend on their walk around Plumley (11/8) ........." It was rather hot on our walk this morning! Highlights include: distant Curlew calling as we set off, many insects in the sunshine, gorged ourselves on blackberries, but the best was watching 3 brown hares for ages – family party."............

Species recorded on a morning visit to Woolston Eyes 7th August 2024. Mallard, Mute Swan, Kingfisher, Lesser Black-backed Gull. Black-headed Gull, Woodpigeon, Canada Goose, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Blackbird, Cormorant, Lapwing, Little Grebe, Moorhen, Greylag Goose, Coot, Gadwall, Shoveler, Swallow, Grey Heron, Wren, Robin, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, Bullfinch, Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler, Whitethroat, Tufted Duck, Magpie, Willow Tit, Swift, Common Sandpiper, Marsh Harrier, House Martin, Dunnock. [ ✓ 40]

6th August 2024 .............. Hobbies and a Harrier

Local sightings of Hen Harriers are few and far between; I once caught up with an adult male in Tatton, on a snowy January morning many years ago but can't recall another since then. So a posting on a Knutsford facebook group with news of a juvenile Harrier found on Blackhill Lane came as quite a surprise! ............"Today I helped rescue a juvenile Hen Harrier which I saw this morning on the fields by Bexton - clearly couldn't fly as my dogs ran at it but was advised to leave in case parents about or it could just be resting, but also that is was VERY rare to see in this area. So I left it but had an urge to go n check later which I did and another dog walker had seen it and we found it again but it snook off through fence to near railway line so we called British Rail and they sent somebody from Stockport to help capture it and we did! Now at Lower Moss Wood Nature Reserve & Wildlife Hospital being assessed- but how it is here is a mystery ".............

As luck would have it Hugh Pulsford was at Lower Moss Wood at the time the bird was brought in ............." I thought you might like chapter and verse on this remarkable sighting. I was at LMW animal hospital picking up a rehabilitated Buzzard and two Tawny Owls for ringing and release when the lady came in with this Harrier. It possibly had collided with some wires and came down near the railway line and was picked up by this lady who also volunteers at LMW. I identified it by the 5 primary tips as a Hen Harrier and a female by Iris colour and wing length.
This morning it was actively feeding and although showing some wing strain it was decided to send it to a more specialist raptor rehabilitation centre with contact with the RSPB and the Hen Harrier project group. I expect it will be satellite tagged prior to release.
Given it was not ringed suggests it came from a UK nest of not known location-wise and what it was doing heading across Cheshire is a bit of a mystery. "

Well done to all concerned!!

For a century Hobbies were just as rare as Hen Harriers and, from 1898 until 1998, none were known to have nested in Cheshire. Things have changed over the past few years though, and the species has become reasonably common during the Summer months. A pair nested at Rostherne last year, but not in 2024, so Geoff and Sheila Blamire were delighted to come across two birds on a routine visit on their daily walk last Thursday (1/8)...............""We arrived in the Obs c10.15am for a quick visit (shorter than our usual 45mins). 1.5 hours later (!) we left walked across the sheep field to walk home to meet Bob "dashing" to the Obs (we had rang him earlier). There were 2 Hobbies in front of the Obs – mostly perched in the dead tree right of the split elms. Some interaction between the 2 Hobbies (still think that 1 is an immature) and lot of calling (lovely to hear). They caught several dragonflies and ate them on the dead tree. The unfortunately a Buzzard landed on the tree and the Hobbies scattered. I of them mobbed the Buzzard but it wouldn't budge. That was our cue to leave…..
Other species include Great White Egret in Gale Bog, 2 Grey Herons, lot of LBB Gulls etc.

I went over to Rostherne yesterday (5/8) hoping that the Hobbies were still around, no luck though, they appear to have moved on. I was joined by Jude Halman, back from Bute with tales of White-tailed Eagles and that sort of thing and later Geoff and Sheila, complete with new, expensive looking, telescopic lens for their camera.
The long-staying Great White Egret was showing well over at the far end of the mere, eventually moving to the mouth of Rostherne Brook where it was hidden from view. A male Great Spotted Woodpecker perched in the split lime and later in front of the obs. and a Green Woodpecker shot past a few yards away. Too fast for any chance of a picture.
Two juvenile Chiffchaffs spent all morning in the bushes below and were joined later by a Song Thrush, feeding on elder berries.

The Blamire's new lens is certainly doing a good job, the two images featured at the top of this update are excellent, although I don't know how Geoff managed to get that nice neutral magnolia background!

28th July 2024 .............. Neumann's Flash.
A good turnout of 16 members on Friday for last of our three Summer evening walks, the final get-together before a short mid-Summer break and the resumption of activities on the 8th of September, with a field trip up to Leighton Moss followed by the first indoor lecture on the 27th September.
KOS chairperson, Sheila Blamire, was our leader for the evening and led us on a circular route of about 4Km. taking in Neumann's and Ashton's flashes, a short stretch along the River Weaver before crossing Butterfinch Bridge, then up to Dairy House Meadows and back to the start along Neumann's perimeter paths.

Pod's hide was our first of call, the birds here always seem to be extraordinarily tame, as illustrated by Simon's image of the Water Rail that strutted about just a few feet in front of the hide; it must have been fully aware of our presence - a species that, elsewhere, gives only fleeting views as it dashes between clumps of cover!
From the first viewpoint, overlooking Ashton's Flash, Sand and House Martins, Lesser Black-backed and Black-headed Gulls together with a small group of five Curlews that were joined later by others, flying in for the night-time roost.
From a second location overlooking the flash, careful 'scoping revealed a Peregrine Falcon surveying the scene from it's vantage point high up on a distant electricity pylon. As we progressed along the side of the Weaver, a second raptor - a Common Buzzard was also on the lookout for an evening meal, this time from a lower position on the top of a fence post with a view of a newly mown hay meadow. (see Simon's shot at the start of this update).
The stream flowing under Butterfinch bridge seemed more murky than usual and there was no sign of the Chub (Squalius cephalus) that inhabit this stretch of water. Unfortunately, no one had brought along any bread or Goostrey's sausage rolls to tempt them to the surface but another resident of the area was more forthcoming and the explosive song of a Cetti's Warbler was adequate compensation.
Our group temporarily split into two at the junction leading up to Dairy House Meadow, some chose to walk up to try for the Barn Owls (they weren't there) whilst others preferred the comfort of a strategically placed bench where gossip was exchanged and the World put to rights.
The final leg of the walk took us back to the cars via the "Scrapyard Hide" (it may have another name) from where we added Shelduck, Little Grebe, Grey Heron and Little Egret to the evening's list and, just before we left, a Starling murmeration with a couple of hundred birds flying in to roost - Christmas is just around the corner!

Geoff and Sheila's report from Millington and Rostherne mere came in just to late for the previous update (20/7) .........."We did our 10.6 km Millington walk this morning – set off early before it got too hot! I rather think the pair of Yellowhammers along Moss Lane have got used to us – they waited patiently for us to walk on before they dropped in to feed their chicks in the hedge. The female had a seed, where the male had a seed and a juicy caterpillar. Perhaps insects are in short supply?
Yesterday we walked to the Rostherne Obs – it was the quietest we've seen it for a long time. While I released a honey bee out of the window I moved one of the chairs out of the way, but unfortunately I didn’t see the honey bee on the back of the chair which it promptly stung me! Sorry bee"

Bob Groom had more luck later in the week (23/7) ....... I called at the observatory in hopes a hobby would visit but no luck, however a Great White was the consolation prize. Also Buzzard, Heron etc. but no swifts or hirundines. At Cicely Mill a glimpse of a probable Hobby, but if it was it's odd that it didn't join the Swallows and House Martins harvesting invertebrates over the water. A Grey Wagtail flew across and a very bright (presumably juvenile) Chiffchaff in the hedge. "............
He had an even better day yesterday (27/7)! ........."I had a very rewarding session at the Observatory this PM. 11 log entries, most for some time. An adult Hobby was in view almost the whole time of my visit (still there when I left), a female Marsh Harrier patrolling the near mereside was a bonus. Also Buzzards, a Sparrowhawk and the Great White Egret seems almost a fixture there at the moment. 3 Herons, Stock Dove, only 2 Swifts, 1 Swallow.".........

The wet Spring and Summer we've had to contend with seems to have had an adverse effect on Britain's insect population and led to poor outcomes for some bird species that rely on a ready supply for their offsprings. Geoff and Sheila have noticed this in their garden in Mere ........."Little Mere: we were wrong about the Grey Herons having 2 chicks – they have 4! 3 still in the nest whilst 1 was out on the edge with its parents. Must have been a tight squeeze in the nest. I’ve reported this new site to BTO Heronies Survey. Peacock Lane singing Yellowhammer, family party of 6 Jays and 18+ Swallows including young.
We had 3 butterflies in the garden (!) – Peacock, Red Admiral and Large White. We have 4 large buddleias – usually covered in butterflies. Not good….. "

There's an interesting article on the website of the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust about the decline of our invertebrate population.

You may have an understandable aversion to this organisation but they probably have more influence with the farming community than many conservation organisations.

Species recorded on the evening walk around Neumann's Flash - Friday 26th July 2024.
Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Shelduck, Mallard, Great Crested Grebe, Little Grebe, Cormorant, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Moorhen, Coot, Water Rail, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Black-headed Gull, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Woodpigeon, Stock Dove, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Swift, Sand Martin, House Martin, Swallow, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Jay, Starling, House Sparrow, Blue Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Nuthatch, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, Cetti's Warbler, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Curlew. [ ✓ 43]

20th July 2024 .......... Burton Mere.

Taking advantage of a dry spell, on Wednesday (17/7), a group of mid-weekers headed over the RSPB's Burton Mere Wetlands reserve for a morning's birding before the next low pressure system rolled in from the Atlantic. Leaving the car park and walking the short distance to the reception centre our day list started with a Great Spotted Woodpecker and singing Wren and Chiffchaff. 'Scopes were set up in the centre and revealed the expected wildfowl with Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Shelduck, Gadwall, Mute Swan, Teal, Canada and Greylag geese on the main scrape. Waders aplenty too, a large flock of Black-tailed Godwits, in a confusing array of plumages, also contained at least one Bar-tailed Godwit; they were accompanied by half a dozen Avocets and a scattering of Lapwings. Further out, on the far side of the pool, were four Ruff, some with quite distinctive traces of their spectacular Summer plumage still visible. A female Mandarin swam past us on the reception pool, it was attracting a fair amount of attention, perhaps they're not regular visitors to the reserve.

Moving on from the reception centre both Reed and Sedge Warblers were heard in song and we had a quick call from a Cetti's Warbler, probably the only time of the year they remain mainly silent! Reaching Marsh Covert hide we were impressed by the number of Little Egrets in and around the Bridge Pool, at one stage 21 were in view at the same time - who'd have thought it!
Traversing the boardwalk towards the Border Hide a late singing Whitethroat and a Blackcap, also in song but both without their early Spring vigour, just going through the motions - reminiscent of United for most of last season!
Elevensies were taken in the hide watching families of Tufted Ducks and Moorhens, overhead a few Swallows and Sand Martins, joined at one stage by a lone Swift, the only one of the day. We finished a very pleasant visit in the new cafe for a quick coffee or tea before heading back down the M56, but not before the final bird of the day - a Kingfisher seen by Lyn and Simon, bringing us to a respectable count of 53 different species during the morning.

The following morning (18/7), with the weather remaining dry, I walked down to Gleavehouse Pool to check on the wellbeing of the Shelduck family; just three youngsters now, so they've lost the other three, let's hope they survive but the pool is very shallow and perhaps not a great deterrent to Mobberley's foxes. I didn't see or hear any Yellow Wagtails but the big fields of barley where they nested were being harvested, so they've hopefully moved on. I walked back through Mobberley SQ and was pleased to see so many butterflies enjoying the warmer conditions. Most of the ones I saw seemed to be Ringlets, the books tell me that " There is one generation each year, with adults emerging in the second half of June, peaking in mid-July" so that's spot on. My camera likes butterfly pictures more than those of birds because you can get a lot closer - the same is true of dragonflies but they don't like you getting too close!

The Yellow Wagtails in fields along Sudlow Lane (Knutsford) are still feeding young. Derek Pike had good views this morning (20/7).........."Great views of Yellow Wagtails - two momentarily sat together on hedge that divides the field about 30 yards down the track , then later one sat on same hedge 20 yards away carrying food. Brilliant views through the 'scope, I may have seen three birds. I deserve a drink."..............

At the same time Bob Groom was Peregrine hunting at Jodrell Bank with daughter, Elaine ..........."We had sustained views of a juvenile Peregrine on and around the telescope and at one point an adult came in to deliver a food pass! As Elaine pointed out none of the wild flower patches had visiting insects, no wonder there were no swallows and martins to be seen. It's very worrying. We may lose them".............

Our next get together (and the last before the mid-summer break) is next Friday evening (26th July) when we'll be visiting Neumann's Flash and Marbury country park meeting at the layby on B5075 at 6.30pm. Sheila Blamire will be our leader and you should let her know if you intend to come along -

Species recorded during a visit to Burton Mere Wetlands on 17th July 2024
Mute Swan, Canada Goose, Greylag Goose, Mandarin, Shelduck, Mallard, Gadwall, Teal, Shoveler, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, Great White Egret, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Avocet, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, Bar-tailed Godwit, Coot, Moorhen, Herring Gull, Black-headed Gull, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Kestrel, Pheasant, Stock Dove, Woodpigeon, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Sand Martin, Swallow, Swift, Kingfisher, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Starling, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Cetti's Warbler, Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Goldfinch, Greenfinch. [ ✓ 53]

9th July 2024 ............. The trip to Belvide Reservoir.
Suggestions from KOS members for future field trips are always welcomed, but rarely received. We tend to go for the perennial favourites like Burton Mere, Leighton Moss, North Wales etc. but from time to time new venues are included. Long-time member, Phil Rowley suggested that we try one of his local spots - Belvide Reservoir, Staffordshire; surprisingly it's a place we've never been to before, despite this being the 50th anniversary year of the society.
Phil kindly offered to lead the trip and to make all the necessary arrangements with the West Midlands Bird Club who manage the site and to whom it's leased by the owners, The Canal & Rivers Trust (formerly British Waterways).
The journey from Knutsford took about an hour, down the M6 and A5 followed by a pot-holed lane to the reserve's security gates where Phil welcomed 12 other members to his local patch.

Our route took us first through a narrow belt of mature woodland to the side of the reservoir. It's big - 74 hectares and much bigger than Rostherne Mere (which covers 48 hectares). We were immediately struck by the number of Swifts on view. Impossible to count,of course, but there must have been a couple of hundred, a Grey Wagtail gave good views further up the shoreline and a fishing Common Tern gave Simon the chance of a nice record shot.
Moving on to the Scott hide, we could hear both Reed and Sedge Warblers still in song; well hidden but we did get the occasional glimpses of both species. A Kingfisher sped past but didn't land, a good record for what was becoming a promising day list.
A well hidden Great White Egret was spotted as we sat in the Gazebo Hide, House Martins, Swallows and numerous Sand Martins had replaced the Swifts in this corner of the reserve where a Common Sandpiper patrolled the muddy margin before leaving, low over the water demonstrating its distinctive, intermittent stiff-winged flight.
Lunch was taken at the far end of the reserve, in the excellent Hawkshutts Hide, watching an increasing number of Sand Martins and the antics of a family of Egyptian Geese, two adults and five goslings. On one of the artificial islands out in the water 'scopes revealed at least two Little Ringed Plovers, at one stage one of the birds indulged in its "broken wing" display, a technique that's employed to lure predators away from their youngsters, although none were seen. It was while we were having lunch that Bob Groom rang from the Gazebo Hide where he was watching a Hobby, despite careful scanning of the area we were unable to locate it
Retracing our steps back to the car park, we spent some time in the Chappell Hide watching the comings and goings at the well-stocked feeding station and were able to add a few more ticks to the list including Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch and Coal Tit.
Arriving back at the cars the final bird of our time at Belvide was an overflying Red Kite.
Phil and some of the other more dedicated members of the party then made their way over to Blithfield Reservoir where Osprey was added to the list, bring us to a respectable 61 species for the day.
Our thanks go to Phil for organising and leading this very successful trip. Belvide is an excellent reserve and the West Midland Bird Club members are to be congratulated on setting up and maintaining such a valuable asset. I suspect it will feature again on our fixture list!

We have been unlucky this Summer with Hobbies, as far as I know none have nested locally this year, so Geoff and Sheila's bird at Rostherne this morning (9/7)is a significant record..........."Unfortunately, Mute Swans at Ciceley Mill Pool have lost their remaining cygnet. Such a shame.
When we arrived at the Obs this morning we spent a lot of time dealing with 100+ honey bees. Most were still alive, though drowsy – just as well because the queen bee was surrounded by a cluster of bees. I managed to encourage them onto a record sheet and released them out of the window. The same with the others – including the ones on the floor. We might have left 1 or 2 but if more appear in the obs there will be a new influx.
Finally we could turn our attention to the birds to see a Hobby sat up on the left split lime, on top of a prominent lookout – looking very bedraggled (c.11am). No hirundines, and obviously no dragonflies for it, because of the weather. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was top of the right split lime keeping an eye on the Hobby. Left c12 noon leaving the Hobby still sitting and drying off. 15+ Mandarins (all in eclipse) the only other sighting of note, except that we found that the bird table scraper was missing – looking out, it was under the bird table. Someone had dropped it!
Geoff’s photos show the orangey thighs and undertails rather the rusty-red that would have been expected."

Species recorded on the field trip to Belvide and Blithfield reservoirs (6th July 2024$
Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Egyptian Goose, Mallard, Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Great White Egret, Osprey, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Red Kite, Kestrel, Hobby, Pheasant, Moorhen, Coot, Oystercatcher, Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Common Sandpiper, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Common Tern, Stock Dove, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Kingfisher, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Swift, Swallow, House Martin, Sand Martin, Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Magpie, Jay, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Nuthatch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Linnet, Reed Bunting. [ ✓ 61]

29th June 2024 ........ The Mobberley Walk.
No apologies for another photo from the 50th Anniversary trip to Dumfries and Galloway as this one is rather special; it's the only one showing all the team together! It was taken by a young lady member of the hotel staff who stood precariously on a chair to record the image on Ken and Shirley's camera just after we sat down for the anniversary meal.

Meanwhile, back to Cheshire and the second of our three Summer evening walks, this time a 4.3Km journey through one of the lesser known parts of Mobberley lying to the south of the centre of the village.
We gathered on Mill Lane at 6:30pm before heading off along the well-marked footpaths, through the huge fields of ripening wheat, towards Pedley Brook..
This is the local stronghold of the red-listed Yellow Wagtails; wheat, barley or potatoes it seems to make little difference to the birds and, for now anyway, they nest successfully every year. We'd only progressed a little way when the first wagtail flew over calling; I'd seen juvenile birds in the previous week whilst doing a recce and Bob Groom, who'd taken a different route than the rest of the party, watched an adult feeding a recently fledged youngster a short distance away on Mobberley SQ.
This area's good for Skylarks too, although they've now stopped singing but we did hear birds calling a couple of times as we made our way to Gleavehouse Pool. I'm pleased to report that the Shelduck family was still on the pool, two adults and six rapidly growing young that have been joined by a pair of Canada Geese with three well-grown goslings that have suddenly appeared, presumably overland from a smaller stretch of water somewhere in the vicinity. Five small Lapwing chicks were counted on the muddy margins of the pool. Quite late in the season for these down-covered youngsters as post breeding flocks containing fully-fledged birds-of-the-year are now starting to build up. We saw one such flock of 24 birds later on in the evening.
Linnets seem to have had a good Spring, moving on from the pool we saw a number of family parties and, a little later, a flock of 20. A Chiffchaff was still in song as we reached the bridge that passes over Pedley Brook where we were surprised to hear a short burst of song from a Cetti's Warbler. This was the first I've heard in Mobberley, although Geoff and Sheila Blamire had one in May 2020 next to a fishing pit close to runway#2 at the airport (Mobberley's a big place!).
The route took us past High Lake Manor (the home of Plymouth Argyle's new manager!) and along the footpath to the now disused fishing pit, we've had Sedge Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat there in previous years but nothing on Friday, not even the Moorhens that traditionally nest there.
Now heading north we re-crossed the brook, where a late Blackcap was still in song, and eventually ended up on Gleavehouse Lane at the imposing gates of Gleave House Farm, once the home of United's Wes Brown, who now appears to have moved on to pastures new.
The walk ended at a spot overlooking Mobberley SQ or the village nature reserve as it should perhaps be known. The 18 acres of disused sand quarry used to be dominated by a large lake that formed when quarrying ended back in the 1960s but this has shrunk in size over the years and just a couple of small ponds remain. Nevertheless it's an interesting little area with clumps of bramble bushes, favoured by Linnets and Whitethroats, and many young oak trees that are finding the rich, sandy soil to their liking.

Just a few species still singing during Friday's walk but Geoff and Sheila had more luck on their morning ramble last Sunday (23/6) ........."We did 10.5km walk – brilliant morning. Parked at Keepers Cottage and immediately saw a Kestrel, later on a Yellowhammer. Usual warblers (Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Whitethroat) on the way to railway level crossing. Walking along the railway another Yellowhammer and pair of Kestrels - such a difference in size between them (sexual size dimorphism), then turned left up the Holford track. First stop there were 4 Oystercatchers before we got side-tracked with a family of 6 Brown Hares! It was lovely to see them playing and chasing each other, though the adults weren't so keen! See Geoff’s video: One of them ran right towards us! A mum with her daughter (on cycles) saw them and another walker stopped to watch them. Everyone had broad grins! Continued to Inovyn Offices where pair of Yellowhammers were seen and a pair of Oystercatchers. Unfortunately the Early Purple Orchids were over. Walking back on a different route along the railway a Blackcap and Garden Warbler were singing right next to each other – good opportunity to hear the difference between their songs. Almost back to Keepers Cottage we heard a kee-kee-kee- or was it kew-kew-kew? Probably a Kestrel but……".

On the same day Messrs Groom and Kelly visited Tabley Mere for the monthly wildfowl count ........"Great! Pete and I did the Count this morning. Called at Sudlow Lane en route and there was a male Yellow Wagtail so they are still there. Also 50 plus Swifts and a House martin. Usual Skylarks, Buzzards and a pair of Linnets. Close view of a Sparrowhawk. 32 Gadwall on the mere, lot of Coots, Kingfisher, Little Grebe, 5 Great Crested Grebes (but no young). There were no less than 19 Mute Swans, despite the resident pair having 4 small cygnets. Another great Sparrowhawk view, also Jay. Cuckoo calling on the way out, just got glimpse. Lots and lots of Emperor Dragonflies over the mere and Brown Hawker over the meadow. Already a considerable algal growth on the water surface,"............

Next Saturday it's our July field trip to Belvide Reserve and Blithfield Reservoir when our leader will be Phil Rowley; Karina has sent out instructions to all members........"Kindly contact Phil ( before-hand to add your name to the list of attendees, remember to take £5 cash and give Phil your car registration before or on the day. Details of post code, what three words and directions are in the PDF map attached.
Phil will meet us at the locked gate. All hides are key coded: some are double-deckers which do not need a key code for the lower hide. There are 2 toilets - one is on the reserve at the mid-way Gazebo Hide. Phil's plan is to take the group to the farthest hide first, dropping off those who wish to at the Gazebo Hide."

Colin Butler recently returned from a very successful short holiday to the island of Lesbos. He'd offered to take along any other KOS members who fancied accompanying him and two took up his generous offer, returning with multiple additions to their life-lists!
In November Colin will be off on his travels again, this time to The Gambia and any members who wish to join him would be made most welcome. For more details you can contact Colin by email -

Species recorded on the evening walk around Mobberley - Friday 28 June 2024.
Goldfinch, Blackbird, Wood Pigeon, Yellow Wagtail, Swallow, House Sparrow, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Rook, Skylark, Lapwing, Shelduck, Coot, Starling, Linnet, Canada Goose, Pheasant, Oystercatcher, Jay, Chiffchaff, Cetti's Warbler, Goldcrest, Wren, Song Thrush, Swift, Chaffinch, Collared Dove, Buzzard, Reed Bunting, Mallard, Nuthatch, Blackcap, Black-headed Gull, Magpie, Dunnock, House Martin. [ ✓ 40]

18th June 2024 ........... Shelducks nest in Mobberley again.

Wendy Stratford walked down to Gleavehouse Pool last Tuesday (11/6) and was delighted to find that a pair of Shelducks have again hatched a brood of ducklings successfully............"Went to the pool today, via the nature reserve. Once in the fields there were at least 4 skylarks singing, and swallows feeding. There were large numbers of corvids on the ground and in the air. At the pool (where the cattle are back) there were 5 lapwings on the ground as we arrived and 6 small shelduck ducklings feeding on the water - very cute! An adult shelduck was settled on the grass. A male reed bunting was visible from the obs, moving around in the bushes by the water.

On the walk back through the skylark field (well grown wheat?) and Gleavehouse field (very recently planted sweetcorn) 2 swifts were constantly in the sky, and several swallows. I can't remember the last time I saw swifts in Mobberley – wonder where they are nesting? At least 4 swallows were going In and out of the barn in Gleavehouse lane. "
Thanks Wendy. I went across to the pool on Sunday (16/6), the six youngsters were still there. I presume they have nested in the old rabbit burrow that they used in 2022 and was which was adopted last year by the Black-bellied Whistling Ducks.
While I was sitting watching the family a Curlew flew low overhead and did a quick circuit of the area before landing at the waters edge. They used to nest locally of course, but sightings here are now few and far between. Making my way back home I was struck by the number of newly fledged birds to be seen - Starlings (of course), Linnets and Yellow Wagtails; so the poor Spring hasn't had a detrimental effect on some species. Yellowhammers were, again, conspicuous by their absence in what used to be one of their strongholds.

More Yellow Wagtails yesterday (17/6) on a visit to the pool, close to the railway line, along Lower House Lane in Ashley. Two birds but no sign of any young so far. Chiffchaffs, Blackcap and Whitethroats were still in song but no evidence of Little Ringed Plovers that were thought to be nesting there earlier in the year.

On my way home I dropped into Tatton Park and spent some time in the Allen Hide overlooking Melchett Mere. I joined a family who were watching the antics of a family of Great Spotted Woodpeckers, two adults and two juveniles who were struggling to get to the peanuts in one of the wire feeders - "better than Springwatch!" was the unanimous verdict.
The park is "under-watched" nowadays, despite the best efforts of Ranger Darren Morris who, after all, has other things to do as part of his job!! Darren tells me that recently (7/6) he had a pair of Little Ringed Plovers on a likely looking site in the private part of the park. He also kindly sent me a copy of the "Tatton Wildlife Newsletter - Summer 2024". You can read it here - thanks Darren.
Some members get into the park, from time to time. Roger Barnes, almost daily, sends me text messages of any interesting sightings - pair of Greylags + 8 goslings (29/5): Stonechat, 6 Egyptian Geese and a Green Woodpecker (11/6).
Perhaps the woodpecker seen by Roger was also the same bird noted by Derek Pike whilst on a family walk on Sunday (16/6).
Later, on the same day, Derek walked from home down Sudlow Lane (Knutsford)and noted one of the Grey Partridges that seems to have set up shop there. ......."Sudlow lane pm Sunday - No Yellow Wagtails but superb view of Grey Partridge posing in the open about 20 yards away. Also Buzzard lots of Swifts and a few hirundines Skylark, Lapwing and resident female Mallard.
Also House Martins prospecting on the tower of the £ 1.5Million Redrow house on Northwich road "

The partridges have been seen a number of times since Geoff and Sheila Blamire found them at the end of April.
I had one on the 27th May and Bob Groom two the following day.

Following the anniversary trip to Dumfries and Galloway Geoff and Sheila went up to the island of Mull for a few days. Sheila reports 25-30 sightings of White-tailed Eagles and I'm hoping she'll be writing an account of the trip for this website!

In case I don't do another update before then, a reminder that a week on Friday (28th June) it's our second Summer evening walk. We'll be visiting the Fox Harbour area of Mobberley meeting on Mill lane, Mobberley at 6:30pm. (car share if possible as parking is at a premium). I'll be leading this trip so please let me know if you're coming along -

9th June 2024 ..... The 50th Anniversary of the KOS.

1974 - Harold Wilson was Prime Minister of the UK, the Bay City Rollers reached number #2 in the hit parade with "Shang a Lang" and the Knutsford Ornithological Society held its first meetings.
50 years on and the KOS celebrated with an anniversary trip up to Dumfries and Galloway. a group of 17, including two founder members - now a lot older but not much wiser, made the trip north.
The trip report is much too long for this part of the website so it's been given a page all of its own.

you can read it here -

25th May 2024....... Wildboarclough.

Dull and overcast weather conditions for the first of our three Friday evening Summer walks (24/5). Fortunately the rain had stopped but the deluge in the previous 36 hours had left Clough Brook in spate and we didn't see a Dipper anywhere during the walk.(here in Mobberley the weather station recorded 34mm of rain on Thursday and 16mm on Friday morning - I suspect they had considerably more up in the Pennines)
Parking at the Clough Brook car park we chose to follow the road away from the brook as it's a more gentle gradient on the way up to the highest point of our stroll, with good views across the valley.
From the car park we'd recorded Blackbird, Chaffinch, Blackcap, Grey Wagtail, Goldfinch, Swallow and House Martin and, as we walked up the road away from the cars, good views of a number of Curlews - what a wonderful bubbling call - something we used to hear every year locally when the birds nested in Tatton and Mobberley!
Reaching the woodland at the top of the hill Chiffchaffs, Song Thrush and Dunnocks we all in song and, a little further on the steep road down to the bridge over the brook, a Goldcrest's thin offering came from a roadside conifer.
Returning along the road back to the cars at Edinboro Cottages (yes, that's how it's spelt!) as well as Chaffinches a nice male Siskin was helping itself to the peanuts on offer: presumably a local breeder.
Grey Heron and a Willow Warbler rounded up the trip list, to which I've included a Pied Flycatcher seen from the car by our tip leader Jude Halman as we drove into the valley at the start of the evening.

Our regular reporters, Geoff and Sheila Blamire sent me this report just after the previous update was uploaded (16/5) .........."Each day we've walked 12+km! Here are the highlights: Mere / Millington: - found another site with a pair of Lapwings with one large chick, means we've found 4 sites with chicks (more than 4 pairs), one pair which must have some chicks but can't see them in the tall winter cereal crop (they always give alarm calls), and 1 site has been abandoned by 2 pairs at the nesting stage (so many corvids in that area) – they've got them to hatching stage over the years. Plus Skylarks (3-4 sites), Yellowhammers (3 sites), Kestrels, Buzzards (numerous!), Whitethroats (3 sites), many Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, singing Reed Warbler (Little Mere), etc, etc. Rostherne area: singing Lesser Whitethroat either in Rostherne Lane or in Chester Road (hedges border the same field), found another site with a pair of Lapwings with at least 1 chick (Cherry Tree Lane), Skylarks (3-4 sites). The family of Mute Swans are doing well at Ciceley Mill Pool with their 4 cygnets, with the staining on the adults seems to be a ‘natural event’ due to algae or something like that. ".............

Lapwings seem to be doing well in places when they remain undisturbed by essential farming activities. At Ashley Pool the ground is still too wet for any farmwork and the Lapwings now have chicks, the photo was taken on Monday (20/5). Also present at least three Yellow Wagtails, Whitethroat and Yellowhammer. The Little Ringed Plover, seen recently, appears to have moved on.

Yellow Wagtails for Bob Groom and Peter Kelly during their wildfowl count at Tabley last Sunday, 19/5........"A reasonable count considering the time of year, including 2 Gadwalls, 4 Egyptian Geese, 1 Greylag, 4 Cormorants, 5 Herons, Oystercatcher but no egrets. Both Mute Swans were out on the mere so no breeding as yet. Very few small birds in the wood, Wrens, Blackcaps & Chiffchaffs. However a Great Spotted Woodpecker was very active and seen several times . Pete and I had brilliant views of the male Yellow Wagtail at the Sudlow lane site. First time he's seen the species for several years so he was chuffed. Also usual Buzzards, Skylarks etc."..........

On Tuesday (21/5) Bob took himself off to the Northwich Flashes and caught up with a Hobby, his favourite bird! .........."A much better morning than forecast and with the sunshine the temperature I think higher than M.O. gives, but tomorrow not looking so good, wet and cooler . Highlight was Hobby at Ashton's Flash, also Sedge Warbler and lots of Greylags but no sign of the harriers. Female Sparrowhawk mobbed by Swallows. 2 Shelducks and a drake Shoveler. Avocet & Herons on Neumann's. 'Usual' warblers. Great Spotted Woodpecker flew past."............

Swifts are still arriving, Bob reports 60+ over Mere Covert on the Rostherne reserve yesterday (24/5)

Stop press! Bob's just made the deadline this evening (25/4) ........."Did a Plumley check today, disappointing. No hobbies, in fact not much at all in the bird line, so called at Sudlow Lane on the way back. Fantastic! 3 Red Kites circling (still there when I left), 4 Buzzards and a huge gathering of gulls (ant hatch?), both Yellow Wagtails plus Pied, Jay, Skylark, Swifts. A cock Yellowhammer bathed in the replenished flood, even a female Mallard feeding in it. Now my favourite site locally..."............

Species recorded on the evening walk around Wildboarclough - Friday 24th May 2024
Blackbird, Chaffinch, Blackcap, Pheasant, Carrion Crow, Goldfinch, Swallow, House Martin, Starling, Grey Wagtail, Jackdaw, Wood Pigeon, Pied Flycatcher, Mallard, Song Thrush, Curlew, Pied Wagtail, Chiffchaff, Dunnock, Goldcrest, Robin, Mistle Thrush, Willow Warbler, Wren, Siskin, Skylark, Grey Heron, Blue Tit, Great Tit [ ✓ 29]

16th May 2024 ..... Walney & Leighton Moss
A small group of members enjoyed our first "overnighter" for a long time earlier this week. The weather was perfect on both days (Sunday 12th and Monday 13th), dry and sunny but not too warm. The thunder storms, with associated heavy rain, on Sunday evening held off until we reached our overnight accommodation. (Here in Mobberley the weather station recorded the rain falling at a rate of 80mm/hour for a short period around 6:30pm).
The trip report is a little too big for this section of the website, so it's been given a page of its own. You can read it here -

The day before we left for Walney Island Bob Groom and daughter Elaine enjoyed a successful visit to the Northwich Flashes ............."After calling at Lion Salt Works this afternoon Elaine and I headed for the layby in hopes of her seeing the harriers at Ashton's Flash. They weren't in residence unfortunately - a couple reported that an hour earlier they had gone high and drifted away (but would obviously return at some point) - but what we did see from the Bund seat was even more exciting. A Cuckoo was calling repeatedly from a small bare tree quite close. Suddenly a second Cuckoo appeared and flew to that tree and momentarily they were calling side-by-side before the first bird flew to another tree!! Never seen that before and will probably never repeat the experience. Both birds stayed around for some time, calling from different small trees. Like G & S we did well with warblers, Whitethroat, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler.. Also House Martins over the development area.(But where are the swifts? I saw 4 in Tatton on the 25th but haven't seen one since..
This morning I checked Sudlow Lane, Sparrowhawk, 2 Skylarks, 2 Buzzards but just one brief view of Yellow Wagtail. Turning to walk back down the track I was rewarded with great views of both male and female, along with a Pied Wagtail in the flooded corner of the field. Magic.."

The Swifts are about locally, Jude Halman had three over St. John's Avenue and Derek Pike has recorded up to five from his garden in Lilac Avenue.

The pool on the lane leading to Lower House Farm in Ashley continues to provide interesting records. Last Saturday (11/5) Mike Duckham recorded Yellow Wagtail, Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and Lesser Whitethroat there. Today (16/5) he reported two Yellow Wagtails and Little Ringed Plover still there. (This is an ideal place for the plovers and there's every chance that they'll nest there). Mike also mentions watching six Common Terns at Rostherne.

Don't forget that a week tomorrow (Friday 24th May) that it's the first of our three Summer evening walks. We'll be strolling around the lanes of Wildboarclough. Jude Halman will be our leader and she would appreciate it if you'd let her know if you intend to come along.

May 10th 2024.... More Lesser Whitethroats and the first Hobby

Bob Groom enjoyed a successful morning at the Northwich Flashes last Friday (3/5)........."I decided to go to the Flashes yesterday and was rewarded, first by a singing Garden Warbler (my 1st) it was just through the gate from the layby and then enjoyed repeated views of a young male Marsh Harrier at Ashton's Flash. It landed on the ground several times and at one point chased a Carrion Crow (without outcome). A few Swifts, Swallows and House Martins, 4 Oystercatchers, 4 Shelducks, half-a-dozen Shovelers, my 1st Reed Warblers, 2 Willow Warblers plus a Water Rail and Cetti's calling, 4 Herons. All in all a successful visit".............
The following morning (4/5) Geoff and Sheila Blamire came across a Lesser Whitethroat on their way to Rostherne Mere .........."We did our usual walk this morning which includes the length of Rostherne Lane and back to the obs. As we approached Hunter’s Moon Cottage I pulled up – Lesser Whitethroat singing! It was singing in an oak tree along the hedge opposite the cottage (not on the reserve unfortunately). It finished up on the highest vertical branch – singing all the time. It was a long way away but good views of a bird that often hides in a hedge or a bush. The 2nd LW I've found this week (1st was in Holford).
Ciceley Mill Pool: the female Mute Swan still sitting tight on her nest whilst the male was hanging around with an angler, also Sedge Warbler singing. "
On Sunday (5/5) Bob was in Plumley in search of returning Hobbies. No Hobbies but he did have another Lesser Whitethroat .........." No sign of Hobby but I did have a great view of a singing Lesser Whitethroat in an oak tree just above me near the entrance to Moss Farm. Along with Willow Warbler the species seems much more widespread than in recent years. Also Blackcap and usual Buzzards, Stock Doves and a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming persistently in the wood. Lots of lovely Mayflowers, visited by Orange tips... "..............

Meanwhile the Blamires were out and about again ........."This morning we spent 4 hours in the Plumley/Holford/Lostock Green area and turned up trumps around the Holford area - Grasshopper Warbler!!! That means that we've had 10 warbler species in just 3 days (Grasshopper, Sedge, Reed, Cetti’s, Garden, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Lesser and Common Whitethroat). The icing on the cake was we had 5 Whimbrels – the same place where we had c18 Whimbrels on 30 April 2023. Also, nice to see, a Brown Hare. Many butterflies around including the first Speckled Wood of the year."............

While people were enjoying views of Whimbrels, Grasshopper Warblers and Lesser Whitethroats I had to be content with a pair of Yellow Wagtails in their stronghold, close to Gleavehouse Farm in Mobberley .........."Of course today was International Dawn Chorus Day. I woke at 05:00am, just as it was coming light, an ideal opportunity - so I had a quick comfort stop and went back to bed!
Set off to Gleavehouse Pool at 10:00am, it was already getting warm and my sweater was swiftly packed away in the haversack. By the time I reached the pool it was 16°C but felt a lot warmer sat in the observatory in the full sun.
On the way, at Mobberley SQ, Blackcap and Linnets but, surprisingly, no Whitethroats this year so far. A pair of Yellow Wagtails posed nicely a few feet apart but just a bit too far away for the camera to provide anything other than a record shot. Plenty of Skylarks overhead. The pool was very quiet just two Mallard families - 6 and 3 young; a Lapwing wasn't pleased by the intrusion and obviously had young somewhere.
On the return leg, by the new super gate, in the field that had been treated with slurry, a nice female Wheatear. It looked to be quite big - Greenland perhaps.
On Gleavehouse Lane, Swallows at Blackthorn Farm, Tree Sparrows and Linnets."

Bob didn't have to wait long for a Hobby, as Simon Cook spotted one at Rostherne Mere on Monday morning (6/5) - he and Bob had distant views of the bird perched at the far side of the mere - about 10' after I'd left!

This coming weekend it's a KOS overnighter - on Sunday we'll be visiting Walney Island and Foulney Island followed on Monday by Leighton Moss, after a night at the Premier Inn in Barrow-in-Furness.
On Friday 24th May we'll be enjoying the first of our Summer evening walks when we'll be visiting Wildboarclough. The trip leader will be Jude Halman so please let her know if you intend to come along.

Then in June (2nd-6th) it's the Society's 50th anniversary trip up to Dumfries and Galloway, after which planning starts in earnest for the 100th anniversary celebrations........

May 2nd 2024......More Swifts and a nice surprise at the airport.

Jude Halman's Swift sighting at Cranage on the 15th April seems to have been a one off and it wasn't until last Thursday (25/4) that they were recorded at Tatton, with four seen by Bob Groom over the main mere ........."After a downpour, 4 Swifts, good to see. c.250 Swallows and House Martins (roughly 50-50) already over Tatton Mere. Mesmerizing, as usual. A Raven flew low over me, kronking, chased by a Carrion Crow.".......... By Wednesday Park Ranger Darren Morris reported "many" and the following day he was delighted to see a brood of six Egyptian Geese that had hatched on the Shading Pond, between the Rostherne Drive and the farm.

While Bob was at Tatton I had paid my first visit this Spring to Mobberley's Gleavehouse Pool. Walking towards Gleave House Farm I was pleased to see that the stiles that were either broken or less than user-friendly have been replaced by new metal "kissing gates" which means that you can walk all the way to the pool unimpeded. The final gate that allows access to the track leading to the pool has also been replaced by a bigger metal job but this too has an integrated smaller gate for pedestrians. Well done Cheshire East council, they receive a lot of flak but, on this occasion, they seemed to have come up with the goods after receiving many complaints.
Lots of Skylarks up in song and at least three Yellow Wagtails. At the pool Lapwings mobbing the local corvids, two Shelducks, LBB Gulls, Reed Bunting and c. 20 Swallows.
One of the fields was being covered with sewage slurry by the contraption shown in the picture. It was being pumped at least a kilometer from what I assume is a slurry pit over towards Springwood Farm. Any Lapwings nesting there would be in trouble.

Success though for Lapwings at Millington as witnessed by Geoff and Sheila Blamire on Monday morning (29/4)......."What a morning!
Little Mere: singing Reed Warbler (new in), 2 Egyptian Geese, 2 Oystercatchers, 1m Mandarin, etc.
Millington area: Skylarks (2 sites), Lapwings (6 sites), Kestrels, Buzzards, etc. But the best was 3-4 Lapwing young chicks! We didn’t even know they were nesting there - it’s the next field where all the Lapwings are and we saw chicks last year. The trouble is the winter wheat is so high it’s difficult to see anything unless they display, or mob anything, or venture into the tractor wheel tracks as below: "

G&S had a good morning at Rostherne last Saturday (27/4) with views of a Black-necked Grebe in full Summer plumage; perhaps on its way to Woolston Eyes ........" we started off walking to Little Mere where there are 2 broods of Mallard ducklings – female with 4 and another female with 5. (The 5 small ducklings had fallen down the outlet and couldn't jump back, but on the way back they had managed to rejoin the female).
It was then onto Ciceley Mill pool where the female Mute Swan was sitting tight on her nest whilst the male was guarding the path stopping us walking the length of the path! Coots were busy building their nest close by the swan’s nest. Grey Heron was fishing the edge (usually take off with alarm when they see us!). We then walked the length of Rostherne Lane before going into the obs, the first people there in several days. Not much around except a summer-plumaged Black-necked Grebe!!! Found by Pete Kelly (we saw him in the Dolls Meadow) – and nice of him to drive to the obs to make sure that we had seen it. It was still there when we left about 11am. "

Yesterday morning a small group of mid-weekers enjoyed the first visit this year to the footpaths around runway 2 at Manchester airport. The runway was very busy, but in between the roar of departing aircraft there was plenty of song from our Summer visitors. Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps and Whitethroats were all heard as we walked down Lady Lane as far as crashgate 9 from where a small bird perched on the barbed wire of the security fence attracted our attention. It was a female Whinchat that was using the fence and a nearby hedge as a lookout before swooping down onto some unfortunate insect. We spent about 20 minutes watching the bird before moving on with the rest of the walk - we had a long way to go!
Skylarks hovered over the runway, seemingly unaffected by the aircraft but I thought there were fewer than this time last year. Willow Warbler and Goldcrest were added to the day list before we descended down the steep hill to the River Bollin. No Dippers this year but two pairs of Grey Wagtails provided the entertainment; one pair were taking ground nesting bees from a spot next to the river and delivering them to their nest, high up in the wooden beams that have been attached to the roof of the tunnel as a place for bats to roost. Remarkably, the second pair were already feeding a fully fledged offspring that was perched on a branch overhanging the water.
Elevenses were taken on the big concrete blocks at the top of the incline leading up from the Bollin. Does that hill get steeper every year - or is there another reason.....?

No Garden Warblers yet on the return leg and I was disappointed that the Lesser Whitethroat I'd heard last week had moved on. Approaching the end of the walk our little Whinchat was still there - after three hours and about 6 kilometers.

The Society's 50th AGM took place on Friday (26/4). As usual it was a brief affair - a little longer this year but nevertheless done and dusted in 15 minutes! Three committee members had resigned but their roles were now covered by others and we welcomed Pat Sponder to the committee. Treasurer Frank Dearden was more than happy with the financial affairs, to the extent that we can now offer FREE membership to young people under the age of 18. They will also be able to attend indoor meetings free of charge.

The latest KOS programme covering May 2024 to April 2025 has now been published and you can view it by clicking here.

Following the AGM Colin Butler gave us an entertaining talk about his visit to Norway and Finland in 2022. Follow this link and you'll see some examples of the superb images he showed us Thanks Colin and I hope you will prepare a similar article based on your current visit to Lesbos!

Species recorded on a walk around the perimeter paths of Manchester Airports runway 2. Wednesday 1st May 2024.
Chiffchaff, Woodpigeon, Blackbird, Blackcap, Goldfinch, Pheasant, Wren, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Robin, Skylark, Whinchat, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Reed Bunting, Whitethroat, Long-tailed Tit, Swallow, Mistle Thrush, House Sparrow, Bullfinch, Canada Goose, Willow Warbler, Goldcrest, Raven, Song Thrush, Grey Wagtail, Mallard, Blue Tit, Stock Dove, Buzzard, Dunnock [ ✓ 31]

April 23rd 2024........ Brockholes.
At last a decent Spring day and it coincided nicely with our April (20/4) outing to the Lancashire Wildlife Trust's excellent Brockholes nature reserve. Despite a few absences due to other commitments, a decent turnout of members gathered in the car park and, once we'd navigated the complexities of the ticket machine, set off on a circular walk around the perimeter paths of the reserve.
Willow Warbler was the first species on the day list followed closely by Chiffchaff, both heard as we made our way to the large "Lookout hide". Sand Martins are again nesting in the artificial Sand Martin wall but they were the only hirundines we saw during the visit. Out on the imaginatively named "Number One Pit Lake" Cormorant, Mute Swan, Tufted Duck, Canada Goose, Gadwall, Teal and a late Wigeon were added to the list. Oystercatchers and Lapwings were also present, no sign of the Whimbrels or Little Ringed Plovers we'd seen on previous visits to Brockholes and they were the only waders, apart from two overflying Curlews.
A new "year tick" for everyone was provided by a Sedge Warbler singing and indulging in its springtime display flight from the top of a bramble bush and a second tick a little further on by courtesy of a Whitethroat that sang from deep inside a hawthorn bush without revealing itself.
Moving on alongside the very noisy M6 we reached the edge of Boilton Wood; in the reed bed around the edge of the "Nook Pool", our third new warbler with the unmistakable chattering of a Reed Warbler.
The path through the wood was very muddy in places but we did add a few new specie for the day - Chaffinch, Goldcrest, Jay, Nuthatch and Stock Dove.
Lunchtime butties were enjoyed back at the cars before a cup of tea or coffee in the crowded restaurant, the good weather had tempted the crowds out and the children's play area must have been approaching capacity!

Part two of our visit took us up a zig-zag path to the top of a small hill before descending to a path alongside the River Ribble. We'd had Dippers and Terns on previous visits but, on this occasion, we had to make do with excellent views of the local Goosanders, up to seven at one time, as we arrived back at the exit from Boilton Wood again and made our way back to the cars.
Just 50 species this year, down from the 61 on our last springtime visit but the good company and beautiful weather more than made up for any sense of disappointment.

Last Thursday (18/4) Geoff and Sheila Blamire returned to Tatton for their morning constitution ........" A brilliant 10km walk this morning around Tatton Park. First, on Tatton Mere were 100s Sand Martins low over the water and also over our heads, love their ‘twittering ‘ calls. Then further on a pair of Stonechats. While Geoff was trying get a better photo I walked on then I had to attract Geoff’s attention for him to hurry on – I actually made him run! Why? A superb male Wheatear was posing on a small rock by the mere! Watched it for some time and saw it landed on a fence around a tree which had been planted by a Primary School in 1999. Then onto Melchett Mere: single Pochard and c30 Sand Martins. Walked up to Mill Pond just in case we could find another Wheatear, but no joy. Walking back along Tatton Mere the Sand Martins still there but definitely reduced numbers and a single Oystercatcher. Couldn’t see any Goldeneyes (just one last week). Back through Dog Wood, then past the Moor with a Willow Warbler singing its heart out. ".........

Following their tip-off I walked along the western side of Tatton Mere the next day, the Wheatear was still there and I managed a reasonable record shot of the bird, although it was a bit skittish. By Sunday it had moved on but had been replaced by a female - this from park ranger Darren Morris ......."On a walk around Melchett this more it was nice to see two stonechats and a female wheatear. Plus the sandy pathways that were in the sun were teaming with bees. My “seek” app informed me that they were ashy mining bees, there were hundreds of them.
Later, on a run around Mobberley, it was nice to see and hear lapwings displaying along Smith Lane."

The path that runs around runway 2 at Manchester Airport is a favourite place for warblers and on Sunday (21/4) I parked at "crashgate 11" at the top of Wood Lane in Mobberley and took the path, in a northerly direction, as far as the concrete blocks at the top of the steep hill that runs down to the River Bollin hoping for one or two. There were plenty of Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers and eventually I heard the characteristic rattle of my favourite bird - a Lesser Whitethroat from a distant tangle of vegetation [amplified "Merlin" recording of this bird] . This was what I'd hoped for, lets hope it finds a mate and they nest again this year!

Don't forget that it's the KOS AGM this coming Friday (26th April). It won't take long and afterwards Colin Butler will be showing us some shots taken on his visit to Scandinavia. You only need to see the picture that Colin took of the Reed Warbler, shown at the start of this update, to realise what an accomplished photographer he is - should be good!

Species recorded on trip to Brockholes. 20th April 2024.
Willow Warbler, Jackdaw, Blackbird, Carrion Crow, Mallard, Magpie, Chiffchaff, Pheasant, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Cetti's Warbler, Song Thrush, Wren, Robin, Cormorant, Mute Swan, Tufted Duck, Canada Goose, Gadwall, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Sand Martin, Goldfinch, Grey Heron, Woodpigeon, Stock Dove, Wigeon, Dunnock, Black-headed Gull, Reed Bunting, Great Crested Grebe, Coot, Curlew, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Moorhen, Teal, Sedge Warbler, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, Chaffinch, Goldcrest, Jay, Nuthatch, Goosander, Long-tailed Tit, Kestrel, Lesser Black-backed Gull. [ ✓ 50]

April 17th 2024......A good day in Mobberley.

Walking along Gleavehouse Lane in Mobberley on Sunday morning (14/4) I was pleased to see that the Swallows had returned to Blackthorn Farm. Peter Dawson, approaching from the opposite direction, was also happy to catch up with his first of the year but it was nothing compared to what else he'd had earlier!

........."Highlights from my morning walk from central Knutsford home to Gleave House Pool via Booths Hall and Pavement Lane.
Lime Walk - pair of ring necked parakeets. Still there on the way back.
Pavement Lane - one wheatear in the field behind the donkey sanctuary.
Gleave House Lane - around the barns a few tree sparrows and one swallow (my first of the year). Raven over and a small group of linnets.
GH Farm - approx 50m along the hedge to the south from the entrance gate, lesser whitethroat (heard first, then seen). My previous earliest locally was Apr 19th.
Field immediately north of the farm - one yellow wagtail and singing skylarks.
GH Pool - two lapwings, two lesser black-backed gulls, four shelduck and three wheatears in the field beyond the pool.
I couldn't find either the yellow wagtail or lesser whitethroat on the return journey.

All in all, a pretty good morning!"
.......... A bit of an understatement Peter - well done!

Another new species for the year was ticked off this morning (17/4) - a Common Swift in Cranage, seen by Jude Halman. There was one yesterday over the Woolston Eyes reserve in Warrington. Sam Peers, an old Mobberley birder, now long-gone unfortunately, once told me that in the 1920s they never expected to see Swifts before Knutsford May Day which is held every year on the first Saturday in May.

Common Sandpipers are being recorded as they pass through the area; park ranger Darren Morris had one in Tatton on Monday (15/4) and Geoff and Sheila Blamire one at Rostherne Mere last Saturday (13/4) ..........."We had a brilliant 50mins in the Obs: highlight was a Common Sandpiper which flew left to the right along the edge of the mere (towards Bittern Hide?), than a pair of Blackcaps below the Obs (including song). Many Blackcaps around Rostherne – more than Chiffchaffs.
A Willow Warbler was singing in the wood opposite Martin’s Field along New Lane. "

The following day, Bob Groom and Pete Kelly did the monthly WeBS count over at Tabley Mere ........Pete and I did the count this morning. Quieter than last month, no egrets. A surprising number of Great Crested Grebes (8) as normally only one or two pairs breed. A dozen Canada Geese. Just a single Shelduck. 4 Oystercatchers. 2 Egyptian Geese and the resident pair of Mute Swans. Only a few Mallards and Tufted Ducks. Not a lot of Heron activity so perhaps a little behind. Buzzards circling as usual. A few Swallows. Pair of Treecreepers. Very vocal Blackcap and Chiffchaffs. Couple of Long-Tailed Tits. No Reed Warbler as yet. Hare in the wood..........

Geoff and Sheila were out on their morning stroll at the same time ........" Were continuing to come across more Willow Warblers where we haven’t seen them before, eg Holford Hall. Found a Little Egret on a small pond near Inovyn offices. Then in the afternoon I was accompanied by a very loud Blackcap singing right by me when I was gardening in the back garden"..........

Others have also remarked on the apparent increase in Willow Warblers this Spring. I was in Tatton this morning and there was one on Knutsford Moor plus a further two singing in Dog Wood. Scanning Tatton Mere from the bench overlooking the old bathing area I counted about 100 hirundines, they were all Sand Martins; no House Martins or Swallows - I was looking carefully as, a few minutes before, a message on the Rostherne Mere WhatsApp group alerted recipients to reports of a Red-rumped Swallow over nearby Booth's Mere. I don't know who reported what would have been a really rare sighting in our area. No sign of it though and I didn't linger as there was a brisk northerly wind and my new weather station indicated a temperature at that time as only 6⁰C !

In the last update I predicted that, perhaps, Rostherne's next new species would be a Spoonbill. Steve Barber kindly pointed out that it was already on the list!.........."Another excellent 'Latest News' on the KOS website but I have to pick you up on one thing: Rostherne has already had Spoonbill, a bird present on the Brook Meadow 'beach' on 19th and 20th July 1989. I remember it well as Gill and I dashed down on the evening of July 19th having been alerted by Mike Bailey, then the Warden. We had been relaxing in the garden on a very warm evening and, 'not a moment to lose', dashed off with bins and scopes but without changing out of our shorts. That omission proved a mistake as we had great views of the bird but suffered somewhat with nettle stings and insect bites. Happy days!"........... Cheers Steve, all feedback is welcome!!

KOS Secretary Karina Stanley is one of only a handful of members still gainfully employed, so it was nice to receive some news from Blackhill Lane - the last of the Winter visitors and another Willow Warbler sighting.........."Blackhill Lane has lost the last of the Fieldfare this weekend – 9 were around last Sunday. Today I opened the curtains to a Tawny Owl flying past the window, which was a bit of a WOW moment, and then as the chorus got going , in amongst the Blackcap, Song Thrush and Chiffchaff song, was Willow Warbler! I haven’t heard one here for years."..............

Don't forget it's our trip to Brockholes on Saturday - Garden Warblers, Whitethroats, Terns and Whimbrel; I've ordered some fine dry weather which will be delivered in time for our arrival!
April 12th 2024 ...... An all-time new species for Rostherne!
After 135 years of observations, a new species for the Rostherne Mere National Nature Reserve is an increasingly rare event, so there was much excitement on Sunday (7/4) when, during the monthly WeBS wildfowl count, a Cattle Egret was seen perched in the middle of the Cormorant colony.
This was species number 230 for the reserve; not bad, considering it's an inland location with little in the way of a shoreline to attract passing birds. So what's next, Spoonbill must be an obvious candidate - another species with a rapidly expanding population.

Geoff and Sheila Blamire had visited the reserve two days earlier (5/4)..........""We went to Rostherne this morning – a very good, but brief visit: Green Woodpecker yaffling several times from Harper’s Wood direction (heard from the viewpoint on Rostherne Lane), male Goosander, pair of Bullfinches and a Chiffchaff below the Obs, Sparrowhawk mobbed by Raven, male Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jays courtship feeding (never seen this before with this species), then walking back from the Obs a Grey Wagtail (!) perched on the end of the church before it flew down towards Doll’s Meadow. In the log book Common Scoter seen on 3 and 4 April! Ciceley Mill Pool: the Mute Swans have chosen their nest site.
Yesterday we did our Millington walk: displaying Lapwings, pair of Red-legged Partridges in one of the Lapwings’ field, singing Skylarks, Kestrel, Buzzards, c12 Chiffchaffs, no Yellowhammers seen but the lady from Newhall Cottages stopped to tell us that 6 Yellowhammers are visiting their bird table! And on Little Mere: Oystercatcher, female Goosander, pair of Great Crested Grebes and Blackcap.

The Egret had moved on the following morning (8/4) when we spent a couple of hours in the observatory it was a dull misty day but cleared a little later on - 2 male Goosanders, lots of Sand Martins, 1 Swallow seen by Bob, Chiffchaffs, Cetti's Warbler, Sparrowhawk, Buzzards.
On the way home, Jude Halman and I stopped off at the Ashley Pool where there was a good selection of Gulls - Black-headed, Herring and many Lesser Black-backed, overhead displaying Lapwings again; this is an ideal location for them and, given the state of the land, they're unlikely to be disturbed by farming activities any time soon.
As we walked towards the farmhouse we witnessed an amazing sight - no less than 11 Brown Hares indulging in their characteristic springtime activities; I've never seen this before and nowadays rarely even see a hare when out and about. I took some video of the event - not very good but gives you an idea of the spectacle - ..... Warning from the proof and sensitivity reader. The video below shows images of a sexual nature (If you look carefully!!)

Last Saturday (6/4) I had an email from ex-member Bill Mccaig with news of a Red Kite he'd seen flying over Oulton Park; perhaps it was the same bird seen on the same day by Bob Groom on his local patch......."My patch has been pretty quiet for a while now but this morning I had a Greenfinch, a Chiffchaff and a Red Kite, the provenance of which is difficult but it did head off towards Tatton with 2 Buzzards in pursuit"...........
Incidentally Bill is now entitled to add the initials LRPS after his name (Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society). Nice one Billy - FRPS next?

Barrie Armitt has completed his move from Crosby to Northwich and, after years of vismig observations from his favourite sand dune, has decided that his new location will be a point overlooking Ashton's Flash ........"Settled on a vismig spot on west side of Ashton's Flash - by the Witton car park. It's on Trektellen under 'Marbury, Northwich'. Good views south though facing east on clear, sunny mornings is a problem - had same problem in Crosby, though. Only 15 mins on the bike from home so easy ride to start the day. Local birders are friendly and I've joined the local whatsapp group. Past week has been checking out the area in between showers. Hopefully get some vismig done next week once Storm Katherine has blown through, wind drops and get some dry mornings. "..........

Bob Groom was over in that area yesterday morning (11/4) and came across a very early Spotted Flycatcher! .........."A better one than forecast with sunshine and the temperature touching 18C. No sign of the kittiwake today but I did have a nice surprise with my first Spotted Flycatcher, also 2 singing Willow Warblers, Tree Creeper, 2 Goldcrests, 5 Buzzards up."...........

Don't forget that a week tomorrow (Saturday 20th April) it's our KOS trip to Brockholes - 10am in the car park. I'll be leading this trip so you may want to let me know if you're coming along

April 5th 2024......More Blackcaps and the first Willow Warblers

Ken Davies and I had our first singing Blackcap of the season on Monday morning (1/4), with a bird in song from a tangle of vegetation just below the Rostherne observatory. That was the highlight though, as it was yet another damp and drizzly day - the sort we've become so accustomed to this year so far. There were plenty of Sand Martins, low over the mere, feeding on emerging insects, dipping down to pick each one from the surface, leaving behind a small, circular ripple as they did so. There were about 150 Sand Martins but, despite watching closely, there were no House Martins or Swallows amongst them. I've been over to Blackthorn Farm, in Mobberley, every day this week hoping for the first returning Swallows. There was a substantial colony there last year but none so far this Spring - perhaps they'll appear over the weekend when storm Kathleen hits us, with 60mph southerly winds and temperature up to 20⁰C.
Bill Bellamy has produced the latest quarterly review covering goings on at the Rostherne Mere reserve for the period January, February and March 2024 - you can read it here.

On my way home on Monday I stopped off at the temporary field pond in Ashley; the drake Goosander had moved on but two Teal and a Little Grebe were "new" species. The Lapwings were displaying again and the pair of Oystercatchers seem to be quite settled there.

Another stretch of water that's proved productive since we started visiting again during the first covid lockdown is the permanent pool at Gleavehouse Farm, I've not been across there yet fearing it would still be a bit boggy. Wendy Stratford found that this was indeed the case on a visit there last week (28/3). So I'll perhaps leave it a little longer! ..........."I Walked to Gleavehouse Pool this morning, very wet in places – I should be in flip flops by the end of March! 3 of the stiles have been replaced with metal ‘kissing’ gates, one of which is draped with a blue pipe containing the electric fence wire! The wind was gusting strongly at times, but when it dropped there were several skylarks up and singing. Saw at least 3, and another 2 on the ground close to the Gleave House gates – they looked like they were prospecting, but the field is all but underwater... A single lapwing flew over the skylark field.
A pair of lesser black-backed gulls were presiding over the pond – one making repeated low fast flights over the water. 13 canada geese and 2 coots were taking no notice. 2 shelduck were grazing along with 3 mallards. 2 pairs of pied wagtails were feeding on the far bank. "

Wednesday (3/4) found us over at Neumann's Flash, Northwich in search of our first Willow Warbler of the year. Bob Groom had located a singing bird on Monday (1/4). We walked the perimeter path of Neumann's/Ashton's flashes as far as the hide over the far side, where elevenses were enjoyed before completing the circuit and walking to "Pod's Hide" and then returning to the car park. We were surprised at one point when a Marsh Harrier suddenly appeared and flew low along the path we were taking, Cetti's Warblers, Song Thrushes and Chiffchaffs were all in good form but it wasn't until we'd progressed most of the way around that the first Blackcap was heard. Walking towards the hide we were delighted to come across at flock of about 20 Lesser Redpolls feeding in the birch trees at the side of the path. A couple of species were added to the daylist from the hide but the number of water birds seen was lower than anticipated, and we still hadn't seen or heard a Willow Warbler! But fear not because, as we neared the end of our walk, the ever-alert Jude Halman picked up the faintest song of a distant Willow Warbler that became more distinct as the bird moved closer. Just 36 species during the morning but I'm sure that could be improved by a return visit in a few weeks time.

Long-time KOS member Phil Rowley now lives in the grounds of Blithfield Hall, Staffordshire where Ravens and Red Kites are regular visitors to his garden. The Kite image you see here was taken using a Browning wildlife camera that he's set up to record the activities of his visitors - thanks Phil.

Species recorded on a visit to the Northwich flashes - Wednesday 3rd April 2024
Chiffchaff, Robin, Dunnock, Bullfinch, Reed Bunting, Jay, Magpie, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird, Cetti's Warbler, Song Thrush, Canada Goose, Greenfinch, Woodpigeon, Mute Swan, Carrion Crow, Mallard, Cormorant, Coot, Marsh Harrier, Goldfinch, Greylag Goose, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, Shelduck, Shoveler, Long-tailed Tit, Blackcap, Lesser Redpoll, Moorhen, Black-headed Gull, Willow Warbler, Wren, Grey Heron, Chaffinch [ ✓ 36]

. March 28th 2024.........Challenging conditions for our Summer Migrants.

The weather hasn't been kind to the first of this year's Summer visitors with an area of low pressure sitting over the British Isles bringing heavy rain showers and strong winds as we enter the Easter weekend.
It hasn't stopped the build up of Sand Martins, with good numbers present at the usual locations; locally Tatton and Rostherne meres. Roger Barnes counted c.50 Sand Martins over Tatton Mere on Saturday (23/3) where Bob Groom had 60 the following Morning (24/3).
Across at Rostherne Geoff and Sheila Blamire counted 30 Martins on their Saturday morning stroll ........"A good morning at Rostherne today: 20+ Sand Martins (difficult to count them – could have been well over 30), male Goosander, female Goldeneye, good views of Buzzards including 1 on the ‘Hobby Tree’, and the usual ducks including 13 Shovelers. Brief rainbow between the Obs and the trees before the mere – then the rain started! Cetti’s Warbler and Chiffchaff heard frequently. Ciceley Mill Pool: pair of Mute Swans and pair of Egyptian Geese. Little Mere: Grey Wagtail and pair of Great Crested Grebes "...........
Yesterday morning (27/3) G&S had the first singing Blackcap of 2024 at Ciceley Mill ......."This morning first Blackcap of the year on Ciceley Mill Lane, Rostherne! From the Obs ‘usual’ Buzzards, Raven, singing Cetti’s and Chiffchaffs, GSW, etc, etc. 70++ Sand Martins hawking low over the mere, particularly in the rain.".............. Last year they had the first record on exactly the same date and location!

Chiffchaffs have arrived back with us in good numbers, a fact confirmed by Tatton Ranger, Darren Morris who has his own unique method of assessing the early Chiffchaff population, he counted a record 12 singing birds on his way around the 13.136 miles of the Wilmslow half marathon last Sunday (24/3). He also set a new personal best, completing the course in 1hour 54 minutes - there are easier ways, Darren!!

We spent a couple of hours in the Rostherne obs. on Monday morning (25/3), not much about but we did enjoy watching a pair of Mandarins searching the trees in front of the obs. for a nest site. The female seemed to doing most of the work with the male bird watching from a distance - probably wondering how much all this was going to cost!

We returned home via the village of Ashley where we'd recently "discovered" a promising new site [you can see it on Google earth by clicking here]. It's situated on Lower House Lane, just outside Ashley on the road to Mobberley and consists of a sheet of shallow water, approaching the size of Melchett Mere, that will (presumably) shrink to nothing in the Summer (see the image on Google) but looks as though, before then, it will prove very attractive to passing waders.
On Monday it hosted displaying Lapwings, Herring, Lesser Black-backed and Black-headed Gulls, two Oystercatchers and a fine male Goosander. Previously I'd also seen over-wintering Snipe around the edges.

Wheatears have been seen already on the coast, so now is the time that we should expect the first locally; the area north of Tatton's old hall is a favourite stopping off point as they journey north and Derek Pike gave the area a coat of looking at on Saturday (23/3) ........."I went into Tatton 10 am yesterday parked at the Allen Hide car park turned right at the old Hall and walked along side of Tatton Mere Brook eventually coming out at Mill Pond as Tony said a pair of Tufted ducks and a Chiffchaff also another Chiffchaff calling in Millennium Wood, unless same bird relocating. Also pair of Egyptian geese, one Buzzard but a very cold wind. No other birds except Canada Geese and Crows, Jackdaws and a Green Woodpecker calling "........

Our KOS programme for 2024/25 has been finalised and you can see it here.

Our next get-together is on Saturday 20th April when we'll be visiting the Lancashire Wildlife Trust's Brockholes Nature Reserve - 10am in the visitor car park. I've been volunteered to lead this outing, so please let me know if you're coming along.

On Friday 26th April it's our AGM in the usual Jubilee Hall, this takes about 10 minutes! after which Colin Butler will be giving us a presentation - "The Birds of Finland and Norway 2022". This promises to be good, Colin is an excellent photographer.

On Sunday 12th May we'll be making our way north for an "overnighter". Sunday at Walney Island followed on the Monday with a visit to Leighton Moss. We'll be staying at the Barrow-in-Furness Premier Inn. Derek Pike is our trip leader and you should contact him for further details or to confirm you'll be going.

March 19th 2024........ We have a winner!
It seemed to take a long time this year but the first Sand Martin appeared over Tatton Mere on Friday afternoon (15th March) at 2:28pm, just one day later than the historical average of the 14th.
It was a good team effort, uncoordinated but which, by chance, involved seven KOS members at various times during the day. Darren Morris was first in at 8:00am, on his way to work in the park, I walked in through Dog Wood at 9:00am and, an hour later, I saw Geoff and Sheila Blamire walking along the opposite side of the mere. Shortly afterwards Bob Groom dropped in on his way back from Rostherne mere, Bob was followed by Jude Halman and finally, in mid-afternoon, Derek Pike arrived and it was Derek who clocked the three birds hawking for insects low over the mere.
No one had actually predicted the 15th, so a quick calculation on the back of a woodbine packet revealed that this year's winner was Runcorn's own Colin Butler - who also triumphed in 2023 and he wins a very nice, framed print of five White-winged Black Terns by Ernest Leahy which was donated by Jill Thornley for use by the Society.
Next year I think Colin should be given a handicap - perhaps he should be restricted to dates in February!

On the same day, Darren had two Red Kites soaring over the park but they were mobbed by five Buzzards and quickly left the area without a fight, a pity as Tatton is an ideal location for the species - perhaps they were young birds who were not yet ready to breed; this doesn't take place until they are two years old.

The following morning (16/3) Geoff and Sheila were on the road again, this time in Millington......"Did 12.5km around Millington this morning: 21 Lapwings some display (4 sites: 3+11+2+5), 2 singing Skylarks, no Yellowhammers!, 60+ Fieldfares and 70+ Starlings, many Buzzards displaying, pair Kestrel displaying, many singing Song Thrushes and 4 different Chiffchaffs."......

Also on Sunday Bob and Pete did the March WeBS count over at Tabley ........."WEBS count this morning with Pete. Had what I think is a new record, no less than 7 Little Egrets festooning one side of the mere. Lovely sight! An exceptional count of 12 Great Crested Grebes. The Heronry was in full swing. Pair of Egyptian Geese. No less than 4 Oystercatchers. Also 2 Shelducks. 8 Greylags. 2 Mute Swans. Pete glimpsed a Kingfisher and heard a Chiffchaff but I couldn't hear it. Buzzards constantly circling.."...........

We had distant views of a Little Egret from the observatory at Rostherne on Monday morning (18/3), it was perched in the middle of the Cormorant colony, they will nest in heronries and also, so I'm told, amongst Cormorants - so you never know. No Sand Martins as yet in the Rostherne log but last week a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was in the lime trees, just in front of the obs. An increasingly rare species. We were joined by G&S who'd been watching a pair of Mute Swans at Ciceley Mill, doing what Mute Swans do at this time of the year, Geoff had taken the picture shown - good enough to grace the lid of any tin of posh biscuits!

The speaker due to talk to us at next Friday's indoor meeting has had to pull out due to illness, so Paul Hill has kindly stepped in and will present his talk "Tarifa - Gateway to Africa"..........."Tarifa in Andalucia is famous for the numbers of birds that pass through on their way to North Africa each autumn and then again in spring on their northwards migration. We have made trips to Tarifa in 2017, 2018 and 2019".............

As usual the venue is the Jubilee Hall, Stanley Road, Knutsford WA16 0GP. KOS members will be there from around 7:15pm - non-members are welcome to come along and join us, parking is free at the next door Booths car park (you can park there free any time after 6.00pm Friday through to 8.00 am Saturday). Admission is £ 3 for members and £ 6 for non-members.
March 14th 2024......Chiffchaffs 1 v Sand Martins 0

Budworth Mere has now hosted Sand Martins for the past week but we've yet to see one over Tatton Mere, despite many hours of looking by Jude, Sheila, Geoff, Derek, Bob, Tatton Ranger Darren and me. So, at the moment, there are only 6 possible winners of this year's Sand Martin competition, out of the 35 people who entered! But it's not been a lost cause as the extra attention given to the park has come up with some good records - for the past few days a nice male Goosander has graced the mere, Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers have been very conspicuous, the Heronry in Higmere Plantation has been confirmed as having 14 active nests (one more than last year), yesterday (13/3) the first Chiffchaff of the year was singing in Dog Wood and, also yesterday, the male of the pair of Stonechats was in full song; so it looks as though they may nest again in the park, as they are thought to have done in 2023.
Large flock of Siskins are still with us and Derek Shaw reports unprecedented numbers in his Knutsford garden ........"at the moment I am having to refill my feeders daily ( sunflower seed hearts) as between 20 and forty Siskins are constantly in the garden. We are also seeing two Lesser Redpolls and four Bullfinches as well as Greenfinches, Goldfinches and Chaffinches - more than I've seen for a number of years. ".......

It must have been the inclement weather that put some members off journeying over to the RSPB's Burton Mere Wetlands reserve on Saturday (10/3) for our March field trip. Nevertheless we just squeezed into double figures and the weather wasn't as bad as forecast, cool at 8⁰C but mostly dry.
The feeders on the way into the visitor centre were busy and we were able to start the day list with the likes of Great, Blue, Coal and Long-tailed Tits, Goldfinch, Nuthatch and Chaffinch etc.
Through the large windows of the centre we were pleased to see that the Avocets had returned in good numbers since our last visit to the reserve, in February. Fewer Little Egrets than anticipated but we did see a couple, as well as a superb Great White Egret that gave excellent views just in front of us.
Waders were represented by Black-tailed Godwits, Oystercatcher, Redshank, Ruff, and a single Snipe; Lapwings were displaying and, unlike our local birds, should be successful as an electric fence now surrounds their breeding area in the centre of the marsh. A female Marsh Harrier floated low over the reedbeds whilst, much higher, a small flock of Golden Plovers were considered a bonus.

Making our way towards the reedbed screen the expected Cetti's Warblers were in song and our Secretary, Karina, picked out a distant singing Chiffchaff - our first of the year. Further along, on the approach to the new Border Hide, we were treated to a fly past by hundreds of Pink-footed Geese, perhaps disturbed by the incoming tide - a wonderful sight and sound.
Butties were enjoyed in the Border hide where a few new species were added to the list - Mute Swan, Shoveler, Reed Bunting, Wigeon, Pintail and Kestrel.
We ended our visit in the excellent new cafe, a welcome addition to the reserve and a facility now offered by many other RSPB locations with an appropriate footfall. 65 different species were recorded during the trip, a good effort and as many as I can remember at Burton.

Species recorded on the trip to Burton Mere Wetlands - 10th March 2024.
Great Tit, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Little Egret, Great White Egret, Black-headed Hull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Goldfinch, Nuthatch, Chaffinch, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Avocet, Black-tailed Godwit, Cormorant, Oystercatcher, Moorhen, Coot, Lapwing, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Shelduck, Teal, Redshank, Snipe, Golden Plover, Marsh Harrier, Siskin, Sparrowhawk, Carrion Crow, Rook, Jackdaw, Magpie, Pheasant, Robin, Cetti's Warbler, Gadwall, Wren, Chiffchaff, Pink-footed Goose, Grey Heron, Mute Swan, Shoveler, Reed Bunting, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Blackbird, Wigeon, Pintail, Dunlin, Kestrel, Raven, Woodpigeon, Pied Wagtail, Greenfinch, Curlew, Song Thrush, Dunnock, Starling, Skylark, Common Gull, Ruff, Buzzard. [ ✓ 65]

March 7th 2024 ....... Still waiting..
Despite our best efforts, so far (7/3) we haven't crossed paths with the year's first Sand Martin over Tatton Mere. They are about though, a bird was seen this afternoon over Budworth Mere, so perhaps it will be tomorrow. I see from the list of entries for the 2024 Sand Martin Competition that four people have predicted the 8th so they must be the favourites at the moment!

No Sand Martins yet but it's been enjoyable looking for them, the weather has been dry, if a little cool, with winds from the east passing over the North Sea and the Pennines before reaching us. In the park's Dog Wood Great Spotted Woodpeckers are drumming and for the past few days a Green Woodpecker has been very vocal up towards the scout camp. Across the mere the heronry has 14 nests, one more than last year if they are all active. Walking down the path in Dog Wood, Siskins are much in evidence, a euphonious chorus from the tree tops as if they're discussing the best time to head north to their summer homes. It's been a good winter for Siskins, we've had them in the garden for a number of weeks now, they don't usually appear until the beginning of this month. Just up the avenue Len Mason has had up to 12 feeding on and under his feeders. In Knutsford Derek Pike was surprised on Sunday with the appearance of a male Brambling in the back garden; I've yet to see or hear one this Winter but there's still time, they stay with us until the first week in May most years.

The Tatton Rangers have just published their Spring 2024 Wildlife Newsletter you can read it here. Thanks Darren.

Geoff and Sheila Blamire walked around Tatton this morning (7/3) looking for Sand Martins, not one of their usual routes. Yesterday it was Millington .........."We did 12.5km around Millington this morning to check on specific sites: 20 Lapwings some display (4 sites: 3+12+3+2), 4 singing Skylarks (4 sites), 4 Yellowhammers on a hedge (no song), 3 Redwings, 150+ Starlings (1 flock), Buzzards, Kestrel, GSW drumming, Jay, etc. Still got female Goosander and pair of Great Crested Grebes on Little Mere."..........

The singing Yellowhammer shown at the start of this update was taken on Monday at Holford ..........."We did our Plumley. Holford/Lostock Green 11km walk Sunday morning (doesn't include Keeper’s Cottage currently). Beautiful Yellowhammer singing and 2 Kestrels ‘interacting – both at Holford."...........

On Sunday (10/3) it's our March field trip when we'll be visiting the excellent Burton Mere Wetlands reserve - Sand Martin guaranteed!
9:30am in the car park. Leader Bob Groom, this time we're expected so we won't get told off again!

The final indoor meeting of the year (apart from April's AGM) is on Friday March 22nd when Kevin Briggs will be talking to us about - 'A Walk in the Woods' This talk focuses on the nesting behaviour of Pied Flycatcher, Nuthatch, Blue Tit and Great Tit. Perfect timing!

The KOS committee has finalised the programme for 2024/2025,it runs from April this year through to the 2025 AGM. Once again Jacquie Ledward had done an excellent job organising the speakers, there looks to be some really good ones in the new programme, which you can view by clicking here. Thanks Jacquie!
February 27th 2024 ...... A busy weekend for KOS members.

Some of our more energetic members were out and about over the weekend enjoying the cool, but dry and sunny, late Winter weather,
Geoff and Sheila Blamire included Rostherne Mere on their Saturday (24/2) itinerary .............."What a brilliant day – blue sky, sunshine, though a little chilly. c260 Fieldfares on Martins Field, Grey Wagtail on Rostherne Brook near the bridge, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, singing Cetti’s Warbler, etc, but the mere was rather quiet . Little Mere: female Goosander, pair of Great Crested Grebes, usual ducks and Cormorants."..............

On the same day KOS Secretary Karina Stanley explored the Alderley Edge area ........"A lovely circular walk from Alderley Park to Alderley Edge today. Tawny owl, Kestrel, Buzzard, Siskin, Goosander 2 pairs, Wigeon, Pochard, Shoveler, 2 pairs of Mandarin Duck, Gadwall and a Heronry Island! "...........

The following day (25/2) found her doing a circular walk around Chelford's Acre Nook disused Sand Quarry ........."I saw 20 Whooper Swans at Acre Nook today and also a Goldeneye there. I walked all the way round. 3 groups of c.100 lapwing were very skittish. Apart from a buzzard, I couldn't see anything else that would cause them to be so unsettled. Seeing and hearing them was just wonderful.".........

Over at Budworth Mere (Northwich) there was a flock of 30 Whoopers at the same time, so they're on the move again but perhaps they'll remain with us for some time yet, last year it was as late as the 27th March that a flock was recorded on Tatton Mere.

Also on Sunday "Team Tabley", Bob Groom and Pete Kelly completed the February WeBS wildfowl count ..........""With the weather so good this morning there was plenty of activity when Pete and I did the WEBS count at Tabley Mere . A Great White Egret was present and no less than 3 Little Egrets. 20 Cormorants was a high count for that species, as was 13 Great Crested Grebes. There was a single Shelduck and a single Egyptian Goose. A pair of Oystercatchers may attempt to breed, as in previous years. A dozen Teal were hard to pick out through binocs but confirmed though Pete's 'scope. A couple of female Goldeneyes, 28 Mallards and 20 Tufted Ducks. 3 Herons were back on nests. 3 Mute Swans and 15 Canada Geese. Buzzards were constantly circling and calling. Single Great Spotted Woodpecker & a Treecreeper............

We spent a couple of hours yesterday morning in the Rostherne observatory; the wind had switched to the north and was blowing right through the open windows - it was perishing! The highlight was watching the display flight of a Sparrowhawk over Mere Covert - flapping it's wings in a slow, deliberate way before swooping towards the ground, wings folded, then up again to its original height. It seemed quite a big bird and could have been a female, apparently both sexes display in the same manner, often in unison.
A Cetti's Warbler was in full song from the reed bed below the obs., it's now a common sound throughout the area as the species extends its range northwards.
Ringer Malcolm Calvert has kindly sent me some details about Cetti's Warblers at Rostherne last year

........."You might like to have some information regarding encounters with Cetti’s Warblers at Rostherne in 2023.
13 individuals were caught: 3 were re-trapped birds & 10 were newly-ringed.
The re-traps were an adult female ringed in April 2022, an adult male ringed in October 2022 and a young male ringed in September 2022.
The "new" birds were an adult male, 4 adult females and 5 juveniles (presumably bred on the reserve) which included 2 definite males.
and 2 definite females. (Cetti’s Warblers are dimorphic, the males being longer-winged and heavier than females)
One bird was caught elsewhere, details: 13/04/22 Ad Female Rostherne Mere - caught 06/09/23 Betley Mere, Staffordshire 38 km S "
.............. Thanks Malcolm, keep up your good work!

Our next get together will be the March field trip on Sunday 10th March, when we'll be visiting the RSPB's Burton Mere Wetlands - 09:30 in the car park.
Our leader for this trip will be Bob Groom, you may want to let him know if you're coming along.

February 18th 2024 ...... Tatton walk + Sand Martin Competition entries.

A dry and mild morning yesterday (17/2) for what's become our annual stroll around Tatton Park before the arrival, in a few weeks or even days time, of the first of our Summer migrants.
A good turnout of 17 Members for the morning's birding, including new member Alison on her first outing with us. She's new to the KOS but an experienced birder and I've no doubt she will be a great asset to the society.
We followed the usual route from the meeting point at Dog Lodge, down onto Knutsford Moor, up though the park's Knutsford entrance then along the side of Tatton Mere to the Allen hide for elevenses before returning via Dog Wood; a distance of about 5½Km but quite a bit longer for Frank and Derek who had walked all the way from Lilac Avenue to join us. The day list began with a Sparrowhawk that the pair had seen en route and an overflying Oystercatcher from our parking spot. Down on the Moor, the usual collection of water birds - Canada Geese, Mute Swan, Tufted Duck, Coot, Moorhen and Mallard were joined this year by the four Black-bellied Whistling Ducks that have generated some interest on local social media sites!

Then through the park's main gates and down to the side of Tatton Mere adding Siskin to the list on the way, the Grey Herons in Higmere Plantation were very active, I'd counted nine occupied nests earlier in the week with some of the birds incubating early clutches of eggs.
On Tatton Mere Great Crested Grebes, displaying Goldeneye, three Little Grebes, 12 Pochard and a single Cormorant.

The stand of conifers close to the shore proved quite productive and gave us Treecreeper, Goldcrest, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit and a pair of Mistle Thrushes dealing unceremoniously with an intruding Magpie. Further along the mere a smart looking Stonechat posed nicely for us and from the direction on Beech Walk we heard the yaffling call of a Green Woodpecker.
Elevenses were enjoyed in the Allen Hide from where Wigeon was a new species, as were the Snipe that proved difficult to see until they were spooked by incoming Herons and, on one occasion by a hunting Kestrel, another new one. We ended a very pleasant morning with a total of exactly 50 species, not a bad total given the time of the year - some good birds and excellent company.

Walking my usual route around the lanes of Mobberley this morning, along Smith Lane I noticed that a pair of Lapwings had returned to their favoured field to the west of Smith Lane Farm; unfortunately I don't hold out much hope for them and any others that attempt to nest here, as their nests and eggs will almost certainly be trashed during agricultural activities later in the Spring.

The 2024 Sand Martin competition attracted 35 entries, the same as last year. A big range of guesses with over a month between the earliest and latest dates: 18th February and 20th March!
The favourite date is the 10th March (6), closely followed by the 8th March(4) and the 14th March(5). You can see the entries by clicking here

This Friday, 23rd February, it's our monthly indoor meeting when we have a special showing of two Gordon Yates videos - "The Wildlife Gems of Islay" and "A Bird for all Seasons". Gordon has kindly allowed us to use these videos free of charge.

The venue is the Jubilee Hall, Stanley Road, Knutsford WA16 0GP. KOS members will be there from around 7:15pm - non-members are welcome to come along and join us, parking is free at the next door Booths car park (you can park there free any time after 6.00pm Friday through to 8.00 am Saturday). Admission is £ 3 for members and £ 6 for non-members.

Species recorded on the Field Trip to Tatton Park on Saturday 17th February 2024
Oystercatcher, Goldfinch, Dunnock, Woodpigeon, Jackdaw, Greenfinch, Starling, Sparrowhawk, Mallard, Moorhen, Coot, Tufted Duck, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Canada Goose, Song Thrush, Wren, Magpie, Little Grebe, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Mute Swan, Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Nuthatch, House Sparrow, Collared Dove, Siskin, Grey Heron, Goldeneye, Cormorant, Mistle Thrush, Treecreeper, Jay, Goldcrest, Great Crested Grebe, Pochard, Meadow Pipit, Stonechat, Raven, Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wigeon, Kestrel, Snipe, Blackbird, Carrion Crow, Stock Dove [ ✓ 50]

February 8th 2024 ...... Waxwings & Wetlands.

Only one week to go before closing date for the 2024 Sand Martin competition - do it now before you forget - it will take less than a minute!


It was back in 2017 when we last hosted Waxwings in our area, a late flock of 52 birds spent a week on two cotoneaster trees along Town Lane in Mobberley. The trees are still there and are again laden with berries that, so far, remain untouched. There are Waxwings about though, Maria Freel discovered three birds on Old Hall Lane in Tabley whilst driving home on Friday evening (2/2) and many people have taken advantage of their proximity during the past few days. They were still there late this afternoon (8/2), lets hope they re-discover our Mobberley treasure trove.

On Sunday (4/2), during a walk around the lanes of Mobberley, I heard my first singing Chaffinch of the year - just about on schedule, looking back through my notes the average date over the past few years has been the 7th February. It was the usual spluttering start but probably enough to prompt other into song and we'll soon get fed up of hearing them!

Further signs of the advancing season from Mere where Geoff and Sheila Blamire watched displaying grebes ........."Little Mere: the Great Crested Grebes were displaying this morning, including doing the ‘weed’ dance – fabulous. So Skylark singing 24th January in Millington. What’s going to be the 3rd event? Perhaps the arrival of Sand Martins….."...........

There's still plenty of time to catch up with our Winter visitors, Bob Groom and daughter Elaine finally added Bittern to their lists on a visit to Marbury Mere .........."This afternoon we had great views of the Bittern, a female Scaup and 6 Goosanders, plus long views of a Kingfisher. Redwings, lots of Long-Tailed Tits. ".........

We had hoped for Bitterns yesterday (7/2) at the RSPB's Burton Mere Wetlands when a group of 15 retirees enjoyed the first mid-weeker for quite some time. Two birds had been seen the previous day but we had no luck with them, despite some folk spending a considerable time at the viewing screen on the path to the Marsh Covert hide.
Species from the reception centre included the usual waterfowl - Canada and Greylag geese with substantial flocks of Pinkfeet overhead. On the water - Moorhen, Coot, Shoveler, Mallard, Wigeon and good numbers of Teal, resting in front of the reedbeds as we searched for Snipe.
Grey Heron, Little Egret and a Great White Egret passed by, as did a pair of Marsh Harriers, a male and female, lets hope they stick around and nest again. Leaving the reception centre and heading for the Marsh Covert hide we took a detour into the excellent new cafe where, due to an imminent and significant upcoming birthday, I treated the troops to an early morning coffee or pot of tea (I wondered why so many had turned up!!) The cafe is a good addition to the reserve, the vegetation in front had been cleared giving far-ranging views that can be enjoyed from inside or the seating area on the outside patio.
We didn't spend much time in the Marsh Covert hide, it was very quiet, before moving on to the Inner Marsh Hide where some took elevenses outside in the weak but surprisingly warm Winter sunshine.
Some new species were added to the list as we made our way back to the Reception Centre, including Treecreeper, Greenfinch, Siskin and Grey Wagtail. All in all we found the reserve quieter than in the past at this time of the year but nevertheless we accumulated at list of 57 species; I've no doubt we'll be returning to Burton Mere a few more times in the coming months (but next time you'll have to buy your own drinks!!)

Our next get together is on Saturday 17th February when we'll be having a stroll around Tatton Park, meeting in the Dog Lodge lay-by (off Mobberley Road) at 09:15am. I'll be leading this trip and you may want to let me know if you intend to come along

Again please don't forget to enter the 2024 Sand Martin Competition - it's open to anyone click here it will only take a few seconds.

Any KOS member who fails to enter will be hung upside down over a picture of Donald Trump (other politicians are available)

Species recorded on the trip to Burton mere Wetlands. Wednesday 7th February 2024
Canada Goose, Greylag Goose, Woodpigeon, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Raven, Pink-footed Goose, Robin, Goldfinch, Moorhen, Shoveler, Coot, Cormorant, Black-tailed Godwit, Teal, Oystercatcher, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Chaffinch, Wigeon, Marsh Harrier, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Great White Egret, Mallard, Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush, Lapwing, Dunnock, Nuthatch, Pheasant, Wren, Cetti's Warbler, Little Grebe, Shelduck, Redshank, Treecreeper, Magpie, Meadow Pipit, Greenfinch, Siskin, Grey Wagtail, Tufted Duck, Linnet, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Buzzard, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Meadow Pipit, Dunlin, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Rook, Starling, Blackbird, Mute Swan, Skylark, Snipe. [ ✓ 57]

January 31st 2024.... The Big Garden Birdwatch 2024

A good showing of KOS members over the weekend as we helped out with the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch, joining forces with the Friends of the Moor on Saturday and Friends of the Heath the following morning.
The Moor woodland seemed quieter than in the past, with neither sight nor sound of woodpeckers or the Siskins that can normally be found feeding in the alders at the edge of the recording area. So the number of species was a little down at 24 recorded in the allotted 1 hour period although the total number of individuals seen was up at 192 (mainly due to 80 Black-headed Gulls on the Moor pool). Four Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were an all-time new species for the Moor's Big Garden Birdwatch.

There's no area of water on the heath so, naturally, fewer birds are recorded every year, but not by many this time with 72 individuals and 19 different species, which included good views of Goldcrests, Treecreepers and a singing Song Thrush.
Thanks to both organisations for inviting us along - we must do it again sometime!

Geoff and Sheila Blamire had a disappointing count due to the attentions of a Sparrowhawk during their one hour ..........."We just had 13 species (39 birds) in our Garden Birdwatch – very low count compared with previous years (no finches at all!). Best were 2 male G S Woodpeckers at the same time (we had a female GSW earlier). The male Sparrowhawk came in 5 times during the hour!"............

13 species for me too, in Bucklow Avenue. I hadn't intended to do a count but as I was waiting to leave for the Heath I noticed a Lesser Redpoll and two Siskins on our lone feeder - this encouraged me to start the clock. Just 31 individuals including a count of eight Goldfinches and five Greenfinches. I look forward to including Ring-necked Parakeets on next years list!

G&S later paid a visit to Northwich's Neumann's Flash hoping for a good Starling murmuration - they were given a fine display ........."Then this afternoon we went to Neumann’s Flash hoping to witness the Starling murmuration – we weren't disappointed. There must have been 40,000 in total. If you haven’t seen a murmuration recently do go. There was also a Sparrowhawk hoping for a late snack. Finally, the final Starlings came into roost just in front of us – brilliant."........... Geoff took some video footage - you can see it here.

The Slavonian Grebe that's caused some interest at Mere Farm Quarry in Chelford seems to have moved the short distance to Redesmere. Bob and Elaine came across it last Wednesday (24/1) ........."This afternoon Elaine and I had reasonable views of the Slavonian Grebe at Redesmere. It tended to hug the bank as both Coots and Mallards seemed to have a go at it. They obviously recognized it as a stranger! There were at least 7 Goosanders and 4 Goldeneyes present, also the usual Herons and Cormorants. Several Buzzards seen en route."............

I spent a couple of hours in Dog Wood yesterday morning (30/12). As on my last visit, walking down the path Blue, Great and Coal Tits in song, along with Wrens and Robins. Nuthatches and Jackdaws were very active, joined today a by Stock Dove. No woodpeckers.
This time I remembered the herons, they have returned and I counted 7 occupied nests, each with one or both birds standing guard.

Well, it's that time of the year again and our thoughts are turning to the coming Spring. As you may probably know by now the KOS Spring is a moveable feast and the first day of the new season occurs when the first Sand Martin of the year is recorded in Tatton Park. Again I am running the annual KOS Sand Martin competition - it's open to anyone and all you need to do is predict guess the time and date of the first returning bird. It's not necessarily you who has to spot the Sand Martin, KOS members (some of who work in the park), will be scanning Tatton and Melchett Meres daily from mid- February. There will be a small prize for the winner - so please click here to enter

January 24th 2024 ...... Snow, ice and another two storms.

Geoff and Sheila Blamire took advantage of a free offer and had an enjoyable morning in Tatton last Tuesday (16/1)......."We took advantage of half price vehicle entry and free admission into the gardens, booked online on Sunday – so was a quite surprise when woke up with snow today! But it was lovely. We explored the gardens and the maze (over 4km) then walked up to Melchett Mere. The hide was open and on the mere there was a stunning male Goldeneye, Little Grebe, Wigeon, Tufted, Mallard, Cormorant, GC Grebe, etc . Then we walked on and I spotted male and female Stonechats – very confiding. Much shorter walk (7.6km) than we usually do but it was enjoyable"..........

Following the snow the temperatures dipped sharply and on Thursday Morning (18/1) Derek Pike's thermometer, in Lilac Avenue, registered -7.7⁰C prompting a visit by two Tree Sparrows, the first for a long time.

Here in Mobberley my weather station showed -7⁰C and we were pleased to see our first Siskins and Redpolls of the Winter on the feeder.
With the imminent arrival of storm Isha forecast I decided on a walk in Tatton was in order. -1⁰C as I set off but rising quickly to 6⁰C by 2pm.
In Dog Wood Wrens, Robins, Dunnocks plus Blue, Great and Coal Tits were all in Song, Nuthatches and Jackdaws were also very active. Tatton Mere was almost completely frozen over but I could see wildfowl on some clear water across the other side, so decided to walk all the way round. Melchett Mere was also nearly ice-bound but I could make out a few Tufted Ducks and two Mute Swans.
It was easy walking along the main driveway as it was closed to traffic because of the ice; salt and grit can't be used as the mere is a SSSI. The wildfowl were concentrated in the ice-free section, which was about 200 meters long and 30 meters wide. Mallard, Goldeneye (c.15), Coot, Moorhen, Tufted Ducks, Little Grebes (c.5), Pochard (c.40), Canada geese, Gadwall(2), Pintail (2f). Black-headed, Lesser Black-backed and Common Gull (1). Raven croaking over.

Also on the 18th. Bob and the family paid their usual visit to Redesmere and Chelford's Acre Nook sand quarry ........."The former was 95% frozen and yet throbbing with birds, the latter 90% unfrozen but few birds apart from gulls , Cormorants and a couple of Great Crested Grebes.
On just a couple of narrow patches of clear water at Redesmere there were at least 900 Canada Geese and about 600 more in adjacent field (where also a Mistle Thrush), not to mention hundreds in a field en route. There were 2 Black Swans, 4 Goldeneyes (3 were drakes_), 4 Goosanders, several Shovelers, 4 Herons, Cormorants, a few Greylags and Tufties. Quite a sight. The usual customers - domestic geese, Coots, Mallards galore, gulls - were absolutely ravenous so were glad of our visit. Lovely sunset on the way back.."

On Sunday (21/1) Bob did his monthly WeBS count at Tabley Park accompanied by Pete Kelly who has volunteered to help Bob with the task, at least until June (Bob's 40th anniversary) and eventually take over when Bob decides to retire completely. Well done Pete!
........"We were lucky with the weather this morning. Pete enjoyed his first visit with me and helped with the count. Tabley Mere was still at least 70% frozen, which obviously limited the amount of wildfowl. About 40 Mallard. Only a few Coot. A Little Egret put in several appearance. Usual pair of Mute Swans, Single Heron and Cormorant. 50+ Canada Geese. Lots of small bird activity, c.40 Siskins, party of Long-Tailed Tits, Tree Creeper, Nuthatch, Goldcrests, Coal Tit. Several Buzzards flying round, calling and interacting, but no other raptor. No sign of any grebes this time..".........

The following morning (22/1) a small group of KOS regulars met up in the Rostherne observatory for a couple of hours birding, gossiping and enjoying tea/coffee and Goostrey's sausage rolls. The wintering Wigeon, as usual, were hidden away amongst the mereside vegetation but something disturbed them and we counted 84 when they left cover and gathered in the centre of the mere. A scattering of Teal, 8 Goldeneye and that was about it. One thing we did notice was that the Cormorants have begun nest building/refurbishment, probably about 20 pairs staking their claims to the most favourable bits of real estate. Darren Morris told me a couple of weeks ago that Ravens were displaying in Tatton's deer enclosure. Perhaps they're already on eggs - Spring's just around the corner!

Don't forget that this Friday (26/1) it's our January indoor meeting when we'll be welcoming Keith Offord back to talk to us, this time about "The land of geysers and Gyrs".
Vast expanses of wild country comprising rugged mountains, volcanoes and lakes make Iceland one of the most scenically interesting countries to visit. During summer it is the breeding ground for a sumptuous array of bird species such as Red-throated and Great Northern Divers in vibrant summer plumage, Red-necked Phalarope, Harlequin Duck, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Whooper Swan, Snow Bunting, Gyr Falcon, a host of waders and seabirds, not forgetting a plethora of flowering plants. All this is set against one of the most geologically impressive backdrops imaginable and this photographic exploration cannot fail to whet the appetite.

Keith's talk will begin at 8:00pm but the Jubilee Hall will be open from about 7:15pm, allowing time for members and visitors to do some catching up and socialising. Non-members will be made most welcome!

Activity too on the following two days - It's the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch with the Friends of the Moor, Knutsford on Saturday 27th January. 11:00am until noon. Meeting at the pavilion on Knutsford Moor. The following day we repeat the exercise with the Friends of the Heath. Again it's 11:00am until noon. Meeting at the information notice board on the west side of the Heath, close to Northwich Road.
January 17th 2024...... Mere Sands Wood & Lunt Meadows

Our first field trip of the new year, on Saturday (13/1), began well when Pat Sponder spotted a Barn Owl quartering the fields as she approached the day's first port of call, the Lancashire Wildlife Trust's Mere Sands Wood nature reserve. #1 on our day list that eventually reached a respectable 61 species, shared between Mere Sands and Lunt Meadows.

Trip leader, Karina, lead a group of 13 KOS members along the reserve's Blue route, it's easy going, along the well-maintained footpaths that are shared with dog walkers. The reserve is advertised as dog-friendly and there were plenty of them, all, without exception, on leads. How different from Tatton Park's appropriately named Dog Wood where dogs on a lead are the exception, rather than the rule!
Spring was in the air - a Song Thrush was heard from the car park and all along our route Blue, Great and Coal Tits were in song and in the distance a Great Spotted Woodpecker hammered out it's early-season territorial message.
The various pools and scrapes held a good selection of wildfowl with Coot, Moorhen, Mallard, Shoveler, Teal, Tufted Duck, Gadwall, Canada Geese, Wigeon and Goosander. Pink-footed Geese were prominent overhead with good numbers feeding in the fields alongside the paths through the woodland, A Kingfisher provided more colour as it flew to an overhanging shrub, giving excellent but distant views. Approaching the end of the trail I noticed that a brass plaque on one of the seats was dedicated to the memory of Eric Hardy, arguably one of Britain's most influential, and perhaps controversial, conservationists. It's nearly an hour long but I would recommend this tribute to the great man, broadcast on Radio Merseyside some years ago "........Boyd was driven round in a chauffeur driven car - I went round on a bicycle........."
Arriving back at the visitor centre we enjoyed our lunchtime butties - some dined al fresco; Hon Treasurer Frank and I sat in the warmth of the splendid reserve cafe and enjoyed tea and coffee - once the very pleasant and patient young lady had showed us how to use the vending machine!
Mere Sands Wood is an excellent reserve, good in Winter, as we found on Saturday, and I'm sure it's an equally enjoyable place to visit later in the year when the Summer migrants have returned.

On then to Lunt Meadows, a drive of about 30' for part 2 of trip. We had hoped that by going later we'd perhaps see the Short-eared Owls that roost there but we were unlucky in that respect, although we did have a nice surprise later in the afternoon. Setting off from the car park we were met by a party of Greylags grazing peacefully alongside the perimeter path and just a little further on a Cetti's Warbler blasted out it's song from the middle of a bramble bush. Reaching the first viewing screen some new species were added to the day list including, Goldeneye, Little and Great Crested Grebes and a small group of Whooper Swans that made a fine sight as they flew off over the River Alt into nearby fields.
Moving on we met a young man by the name of Jacob Gill (I'm guessing he was about 10 years old) who was out birding with his parents, he certainly knew his birds and was pretty handy with a camera too and proudly showed us the images he's just obtained of a male Smew that was attracting the attention of a gaggle of birders a little further on. It was heartening to see such knowledge and enthusiasm from one so young, let's hope he keeps it up! The Smew showed well for us, albeit at a distance that precluded anything but blurred record shots. By now it was beginning to rain so we headed for the reserve's covered hide where we had our only Marsh harrier of the visit and good views of what we were told was a Cackling Goose (B. h. hutchinsii), a close relative of the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) that we're all familiar with. The cackling Goose is found in North America and the far east of Asia, individuals ringed in North America have been seen in Britain. Apparently there are five sub-species of the Cackling Goose - a minefield!

Needless to say Geoff and Sheila were out and about the next morning and also on Monday when we met them on the obs at Rostherne ..........."Sunday 14 Jan, 12km walk around Plumley/Holford/Lostock Green: c95 Curlew and 1 Oystercatcher (Patmos Lane), 40 Redwings (Cheadle Lane) and 50 Redwings plus a few Fieldfares and male Yellowhammer (Trouthall Lane) and Buzzard, Jay, etc.

Monday 15 Jan, 10km around Rostherne area: 2 Egyptian Geese, 70+ Fieldfare and 10+ Redwings (Martin’s Field), c200 Pink-footed Geese (flew over Rostherne Lane, then over the reserve towards Manchester), pair Mute Swans and 10 Gadwall (Ciceley Mill Pool on a sliver of open water, rest was frozen), met up with Tony and Jude in the Obs and a superb male Sparrowhawk perched briefly on the split limes before flying towards Harpers Bank Wood, earlier we had a Buzzard. "
Geoff and I had a quick view of a raptor as it vanished over towards Harper's Bank wood, it wasn't the Sparrowhawk and it could well have been the Peregrine Falcon that Tatton ranger, Darren Morris had seen hunting over the park's deer enclosure the same morning.
Darren also tells me that he heard a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming in Dog Wood early last week. Our next field trip is to Tatton on Saturday 17th February - more details in due course.
Before then our January indoor get together will take place on Friday 26th January when Keith Offord will be giving a presentation titled "The Land of Geysers and Gyrs". The lecture will begin at 8pm and the doors of the Jubilee Hall will be open from 7:15pm.

Activity too on the following two days - It's the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch with the Friends of the Moor, Knutsford on Saturday 27th January. 11:00am until noon. Meeting at the pavilion on Knutsford Moor.
The following day we repeat the exercise with the Friends of the Heath. Again it's 11:00am until noon. Meeting at the information notice board on the west side of the Heath, close to Northwich Road.

Species recorded on the trip to Mere Sands Wood and Lunt Meadows - Saturday 13th January 2024.
Barn Owl, Woodpigeon, Song Thrush, Goldfinch, Magpie, Jackdaw, cormorant, Fieldfare, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Buzzard, Shoveler, Blackbird, Coot, Mallard, Moorhen, Grey Heron, Nuthatch, Carrion Crow, Wren, Pink-footed Goose, Jay, Sparrowhawk, Dunnock, Teal, Kingfisher, Tufted Duck, Canada Goose, Wigeon, Goosander, Gadwall, Chaffinch, Pheasant, Treecreeper, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Kestrel, Stonechat, Lapwing, Curlew, Cetti's Warbler, Whooper Swan, Little Grebe, Starling, Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit, Reed Bunting, Great Crested Grebe, Goldeneye, Smew, Marsh Harrier, Little Egret, Linnet, Common Snipe, Cackling Goose, Shelduck [ ✓ 63]

January 10th 2024..............Storm Henk.

Another of our winter storms, this one storm Henk, arrived on the 2nd. January bringing with it an immense amount of rain. The south of England bore the brunt and the storm caused widespread flooding but we suffered too, and as Mike's picture shows, a huge amount of material from Rostherne Mere's catchment area was washed into the mere via Rostherne Brook. Eventually this run-off may affect the water quality, due to the dissolved phosphorus and nitrogen it contains, and this will have a detrimental effect on its flora and fauna. I did turn to Tom Wall's excellent book " Rostherne Mere - aspects of a wetland nature reserve", published in 2019 for relevant information; there's plenty in the 91 pages devoted to the water quality of Rostherne Mere - both current and historic but I found it a bit hard going!
One of the main problems is blue-green algae that can give the mere the appearance of pea soup during the Summer months; it can be dangerous to waterfowl, fish and domestic animals. In fact, in 1978, blue-green algae is thought to have caused the death of three cows, out of a herd of 40, that had access to the mere and was their only source of water. "Rostherne Mere achieved the unfortunate distinction of being the location of what may have been the first case in Britain of cattle deaths caused by the consumption of blue-green algae"
Water quality samples are taken from the mere and it will be interesting to see if they contain an increase in nutrients caused by this run-off; if this is the case we may see a spectacular algal bloom later in the year at Rostherne and also nearby Tatton Mere.

Geoff and Sheila Blamire weren't going to let a bit of rain spoil there morning stroll and made for the Rostherne observatory to dry out a bit, before heading for home................. "We braved the weather do our walk to Rostherne area – by the time we got back we were completely drenched!! Not surprised that no-one else was in the Obs. Highlight was a Lesser Redpoll – made 3 very brief visits and one time landed on the bird table but was too scared to stay. Difficult to see what was on the Mere – visibility was atrocious. Unfortunately, I couldn't focus the big bins which I can usually do. On the way in Redwings were on the Holly tree (no Mistle Thrush!) but walking back home there were c50 Fieldfares and Redwings on Martin’s Field (50:50) plus c100 Starlings. Second highlight was bumping into Darren who was driving back to Tatton after filling up with diesel (not sure what sort of vehicle!). He was disappointed to miss the Christmas party – the social highlight of the year.
I've decided to keep a year list – not going for specific birds, just species seen on our walks, KOS trips and garden. 2 days – 44. Missed quite a few species I should have seen, but will get to 50 very soon.
................. Of course listing is normally frowned upon here, it's the domain of plane spotters and gricers, but, given the parameters, it's acceptable - I suggest a total of 180 should be aimed for.

Bob Groom was on grandad duties the following morning - Redesmere seemed OK but Chelford's Acre Nook not so ..........."We visited Redesmere for the usual duck/geese feeding. A small skein of Pinkfeet went over, actually my first of the winter locally. On the mere - 6 Goosanders, c.4 Goldeneyes, 3 Cormorants and 2 Herons. Acre Nook was a write-off as a rain mist had descended so nothing was visible.."...........

A reminder from Sheelagh Halsey that Rostherne subs. are due and also the dates of this years wildfowl counts.

Hopefully you have renewed your permit via CAWOS as the door code will change on 1st February.
The duck count days for this year are shown below:

14th January... 11th February... 10th March
7th April... 12th May... 9th June
21st July... 18th August... 22nd September
20th October... 17th November.... 15th December

Normally we would walk around the reserve to flush the duck from the margins, but it is incredibly wet at the moment so this won't be possible this month. We will be going to the bittern hide though for people wanting to do this. The count starts in the observatory at 9am.

A reminder that this Saturday (13th January) it's the first field trip of this,our 50th anniversary year, when we'll be visiting Mere Sands Wood and Lunt Meadows. Secretary Karina will be the leader and, like Frank last month, has done a recce - you can read her plan here.

December 29th 2023 ..... The Christmas Walk.

Well, the strangely-named Storm Gerrit came and went overnight, taking with it some house roofs in Stalybridge as it morphed into a T5 tornado during the early hours of Thursday (28th). Fortunately things had calmed down by 9:30am when a hardy group of 13 KOS members gathered in the Witton Mill car park ready for our annual Christmas walk around Neumann's Flash and Marbury Mere. Sheila Blamire was our trip leader for the day; she and Geoff had done a recce the previous day, so this year we began by taking the path between Ashton's and Neumann's flashes towards Pod's Hide. Ashton's was very quiet but an overflying Curlew was a useful addition to the day list that we'd started in the car park, where eight species were using the bird table including Jay and Bullfinch.
A decent selection of wildfowl from Pod's Hide, including Shelduck, Wigeon, Tufted Duck and Shoveler sharing the flash with Black-headed, Herring, Lesser and Great Black-backed Gulls. In the distance, out of earshot, a substantial flock of Pink-footed Geese headed south.

What had been a dry morning became a lot wetter as we passed through Big Wood and down to the shores of Budworth Mere, so we didn't hang about but made quick progress to the welcome shelter of the covered viewing screen.
Up to 19 Goosanders have been counted recently on the mere, there seemed to be fewer on Thursday but those that were present gave great views as they fished just below the screen where we sat enjoying elevenses. Pride of place though must go to three Kingfishers that provided an ever-changing kaleidoscope of cobalt blue as they perched right in front of their audience fishing and taking short flights out towards the centre of the mere before returning. Two's company and three's a crowd - I think Spring was in the air!
The rain held off as we walked back to the cars, there were no new species, except for a Cetti's Warbler's quick burst of song as we passed over Butterfinch bridge on Marbury Lane bringing the total count to 44 species during a walk of 7.25Km (4.6miles)

Bob Groom rounded of his monthly wildfowl counts on Tabley Mere on Sunday 17th December ......"An ideal morning for my WEBS count at Tabley Mere, lovely and mild - Min 9C Max 11C - if a bit breezy. Buzzards constantly circling and 'talking' to each other. Male Great Spotted, Goldcrest with the Long-Tailed Tits, Sparrowhawk, Redwings in the wood. Water Rail (heard), Little Egret, 2 Herons, 5 Cormorants. The most noticeable thing was the absence of Coots. A few months ago there were hundreds; barely double figures today. In contrast 12 was a good count for Great Crested Grebes there (many more at Rostherne and Budworth meres, of course). 27 Greylags (but again no Canadas) ,4 Wigeon, 2 Goldeneyes, 36 Mallards, 20 Tufted Ducks, just 2 Mute Swans. Not at all bad underfoot but very slow progress."........

So there we are, Bob's final count of the year and my last "Latest News" update of 2023 - 46,000 words this year! I can recall my favourite trips and indoor lectures but, of course, everyone will have their own favourites - let's hope that 2024, our society's 50th anniversary year, will provide just as many, if not more, for all. Happy new year!

Species recorded on the Christmas walk around Neumann's Flash and Budworth mere. 28th December 2023.
Jay, Reed Bunting, Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Bullfinch, Dunnock, Blackbird, Magpie, Moorhen, Carrion Crow, Mallard, Curlew, Woodpigeon, Shelduck, Wigeon, Black-headed Gull, Pink-footed Goose, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Tufted Duck, Shoveler, Herring Gull, Coot, Goldfinch, Buzzard, Chaffinch, Jackdaw, Long-tailed Tit, Great Crested Grebe, Goosander, Kingfisher, Mute Swan, Water Rail, Coal Tit, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Cormorant, Lapwing, Siskin, Cetti's Warbler, Raven, Fieldfare, Grey Heron. [ ✓ 44]

. December 17th 2023...... The Christmas Party!

Arriving at the Jubilee Hall on Friday evening with the baked potatoes Len and I were delighted to find that during the afternoon Jude, Karina and her husband, David had been hard at work decorating the hall and setting out the tables in preparation for the annual KOS Christmas party!

Gradually more people arrived with their offerings - all the usual favourites - Goostrey's pork pies, specially flown in from Mobberley, sausages, cooked meats etc. and a table full of puddings, ready to challenge the self-discipline of those who should really be watching their glucose intake!

The annual quiz proceeded in the traditional manner, I stuck the pictures up around the hall and people could then peruse them at their leisure during and after the meal. This year it was a close run contest and three people ended up with 41 out of the possible 50 points; Bob, Sheila and Hugh - the three pre-race favourites! So a tie-break was called for and each of the three were given the same picture, positioned face down on a table and on the word "go" they were turned over to reveal the tie-breaker. This year's bird was a White's Thrush, Sheila took the honours and won a large box of sweets that of course were then shared around the room - it's the taking part that counts!

My proof and sensitivity reader (those that need to know, know!) has insisted that I put this picture, kindly taken by Jude Halman, on this update, as I normally never appear due to me always taking the people images myself. So it should appear on the right.

For various reasons numbers were down for this year's party but nevertheless it was a most enjoyable evening and our thanks go to Karina, David and Jude for preparing the room, for those that provided the food and/or brought along articles for the raffle or bring and buy. Great value at £8 and I'm sure we have made some money to pay for the ever increasing cost of speakers for our indoor lectures.

Meanwhile, back at the coalface, Bob Groom and I were in the Rostherne observatory on Monday morning (11/12)
......."Just 8°C this morning when Bob and I arrived at the observatory. The overnight rain continued and it was a gloomy outlook, with a thick mist making it impossible to see the far side of the mere.
After half an hour or so the rain slowly began to clear and the sun appeared giving rise to a rainbow that reached right down to the surface of the mere.
The rain had cleared the atmosphere and as the sun became brighter viewing conditions were excellent. 31 teal were very active over towards Gale Bog, also there c.16 Pochard, a single male Goosander and 3 drake Mandarin. Four Goldeneye and possibly more were scattered across the mere, whilst on their floating island 2 Green Sandpipers had returned after a couple of weeks absence.
The bird table was busier than recently with Blue, Great, Coal and Long-tailed Tits recorded as well as 2 Bullfinches and a Goldfinch. A big female Sparrowhawk caused panic as it shot through in-between the obs and the bird table!
Phil Dell had been down to the Bittern Hide and heard at least two Cetti's Warblers. He also obtained some excellent video of one of two Water Rails in front of the hide.
Bill Bellamy had done a count yesterday and recorded 39 Mandarin and 109 Wigeon, we could see there were plenty of the latter about but they were well hidden in the mereside vegetation."

The following morning (13/12 Geoff and Sheila were out and about on their daily perambulation ........" We did our 12km Plumley, Holford, and Lostock Green this morning. It was disappointing with only 1 Curlew in one of the fields next to Inovyn offices and 4+ in the maize stubble field behind Ridgeway Farm, but the sunflower field made up for it: 50-100 finches (very difficult to count!) mostly Chaffinches, Greenfinches, Goldfinches and a few Bramblings. Could be more species but the light was atrocious. Need someone else to put more time there…
Yesterday in Martin’s Field, Rostherne 3 Egyptian Geese and 50+ winter thrushes – mostly Fieldfare. Ciceley Mill Pool: pair Mute Swans, 4 Gadwall and Cormorant. Female Goosander still on Little Mere along with 4 Cormorants and the usual wildfowl. "

Geoff has been keeping a record of their walks, that began during the first covid lockdown and the stats. are very impressive - 12,459km or 7,787miles in 1304 days (9.55km or 5.97mls per day). The map shows the distances involved!

Tatton's a bit under-watched at the moment but Bob's a regular visitor. This from Tuesday (12/12) ......." A decent enough day - Min 7C Max 10C - but the park was almost deserted. The Stonechats (2m 1f) were down by Tatton Mere. A f Great Spotted called frequently as it foraged in the trees and a Mistle Thrush sang strongly, just as if it were spring. A lady who asked advice about some small birds she had just seen (probably Goldfinches but a Kestrel scattered them before I got close enough) had watched a green woodpecker flying through. There were at least half-a-dozen Pochard [or 'pokkard' as T.Hedley Bell would have it] but surprisingly few ducks overall. Usual Heron and 2 Cormorants at Melchett Mere.".........

Darren Morris has kindly sent me a copy of the park's Winter news letter - you can read it here - Thanks Darren.

Just a few more days now until the Winter solstice after which the days slowly become longer and we can anticipate the arrival of Spring!
So here are a few dates for your diaries -

On Thursday 28th December it's our Christmas Walk around Neumann's Flash and Budworth Mere, meeting at 09:30am at the Witton Mill Bridge car park. Sheila will be leading this trip and you may want to let her know if you intend to come along -

Our first field trip of 2024, which of course is the 50th anniversary year of the founding of the KOS, is to Mere Sands Wood and Lunt Meadows. This will take place on Saturday 13th January 2024 (more details later).

It's the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch with the Friends of the Moor, Knutsford on Saturday 27th January. 11:00am until noon. Meeting at the pavilion on Knutsford Moor.
The following day we repeat the exercise with the Friends of the Heath. Again it's 11:00am until noon. Meeting at the information notice board on the west side of the Heath, close to Northwich Road.

** Late news just in from treasurer Frank Dearden**
Thank you for your support in raising £261 for the Society on Friday last. The breakdown was as follows:
Admission £144
Raffle £58
Bring and buy £29
Donation £30
A very useful contribution which will pay for two of our speakers.

December 6th 2023........ The trip to Marshside and Martin Mere.
It appears that we're heading towards the end of this early Winter cold spell and temperatures in double figures are predicted by the weekend. Trip leader Frank Dearden had 18 names on his list prior to Sunday's (3/12) trip to Marshside and Martin Mere but freezing temperatures and overnight snow brought an early morning deluge of apologies, so just a dedicated group of eight met up in the car park at the Marshside RSPB reserve, all wondering why they hadn't stayed in bed!

Only 1⁰C , but there was some birding to be done and the day began well as, before we left the car park, Bob Groom found us a Peregrine being mobbed by a selection of corvids out towards the sea. A second raptor quickly followed, with a Sparrowhawk looking for breakfast over the Sandgrounder's hide. It felt even colder once the windows in the hide had been opened revealing a tundra-like vista with just patches of open water, being kept ice-free by the movement of the wildfowl - Mute Swans, Mallard, Teal, Shoveler and a few gulls. We didn't linger too long.

Across the other side of the busy road we added Marsh Harrier, Great and Little Egrets to the day list before moving on to the newly re-built Nell's Hide. More water here and new birds included Pintail, Gadwall, Wigeon, Coot, Moorhen and Greylag Goose. Bob had taken a different route and was able to announce ring-tailed Hen Harrier and Stonechat seen from the corner screen.

On then to Martin Mere; except for Colin and Don who chose to join us later after going in search of a Red-breasted Goose that had been spotted during the week. After a long walk they caught up with the bird and they now have the tricky problem of deciding whether or not it was a genuine wild bird or an escapee from someone's wildfowl collection - I always find with "listers" that if it's not on their list already then it's definitely wild, otherwise it's just an escaped bird!

The car park was full at Martin Mere and the reception building, shop and restaurant were very busy; groups of kids and their parents were again being ferried by Santa's elves across to an island to meet the great man himself. No life jackets and this year the elves were having to push back encroaching sheets of ice as they made their way slowly across the lake!
After lunch in the restaurant we went onto the reserve proper, making our way first to the Ron Barker hide; along the way, close to the feeders, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Chaffinch were added to the list and Blackbird, Fieldfare and Redwings were also welcome additions.
A couple of Marsh Harriers floated over the reedbeds in front of the hide and incoming Whooper Swans were a reminder that feeding time was rapidly approaching. Frank takes the role of trip leader very seriously, so much so that, earlier in the week, he'd driven up to do a recce! He'd walked past the United Utilities hide to a newly opened part of the reserve and found a group of 12 Cattle Egrets amongst the English Longhorn cattle, they were still there on Sunday!

Waiting in the Discovery hide for feeding time we had the usual excellent views of wintering Ruff, joined this year by a Black-tailed Godwit and a Redshank whilst out on the water Whooper Swans, Pochard and a single male Goldeneye. As I added the latter to my list on the dictaphone (much easier than writing the list in a notebook) I was overheard by one of the locals who became mildly excited. Apparently it's a rare sighting at Martin Mere, he'd never seen one there before despite numerous visits over the years. It promptly went out on their local WhatsApp group! We ended up with 62 species, 5 less than last time we did this trip, which was in 2021. Considering the weather, a commendable effort.

The following morning we had the sad task of saying a last farewell to John Somerville at the Altrincham Crematorium. Barbara is still recovering from a broken hip and was worried about having to use a wheelchair, but I'm pleased to report that she managed the ceremony unaided. The minister read the eulogy and Frank read out a short tribute from all his many friends in the KOS. It's been suggested that this tribute be published on the website, you can read it here.

Species recorded at Marshside and martin Mere- Sunday 3rd December 2023
Sparrowhawk, Mute Swan, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Black-headed Gull, Shelduck, Mallard, Robin, Wren Curlew, Pink-footed Goose, Peregrine, Black-tailed Godwit, Redwing, Magpie, Buzzard, Shoveler, Teal, Pintail, Canada Goose, Marsh Harrier, Great White Egret, Little Egret, Lapwing, Wigeon, Coot, Snipe, Greylag Goose, Song Thrush, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Woodpigeon, Grey Heron, Moorhen, Starling, Cormorant, Gadwall, Hen Harrier, Stonechat, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Red-breasted Goose, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Fieldfare, Dunnock, Ruff, Pochard, Cattle Egret, Redshank, Whooper Swan, Goldeneye, Kestrel, Pheasant, Mistle Thrush, Collared Dove, Coal Tit, [ ✓ 62]

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