It all began in September 1972, a short article
in the Knutsford Guardian announced a series of evening classes organised by
the Workers Education Association devoted to the subject of Ornithology.
The tutor was the
late Bill Mulligan, despite his advancing years a man of
boundless enthusiasm and energy who managed over the next two years to transfer
some of his immense knowledge to his band of disciples. Eventually Bill
declared that he'd done as much as he could and it was now up to us! So early
in 1974 the inaugural meeting of the Society took place, a constitution was
drawn up and the first committee elected. Bill of course became a life member
and the organisations first President.
Over the intervening years, as with most organisations of this nature, members have come and gone for various reasons, but there have always been a core group of members prepared to serve on the committee and turn up on field trips whatever the weather! Indoor meetings are held on the fourth Friday of every month (except August) currently in the excellent function room at the Jubilee Hall, right in the heart of the Town, meeting up at 7:45pm for an 8pm start. Unusually for Ornithological societies Field Trips are held every month of the year, some lesser organisations get out together only between October and May, some never, but with the KOS it's real value for your £20 per annum subscription and it's FREE for under 18s
New members are always welcome, just turn up at any indoor or outdoor event and introduce yourself. There are no qualifications required, except for a sense of humour and even this is not obligatory ! Currently we have members ranging from absolute beginners through to big-time twitchers complete with pagers and £3000+ 'scopes.
President | - |
Chairman | Sheila Blamire 07837 745989 |
Secretary | Karina Stanley |
Treasurer | Frank Dearden |
Lectures Officers | Sheila Blamire 07837 745989 |
Press Officer / Website | Tony Usher. 07710 508544 01565 873508 |
Committee Members |
Judith Halman |
Patricia Sponder | |
Bob Groom | |
Derek Pike | |